Day 4, Day 5, and Day 6

Start from the beginning

Keith was beginning to enjoy his stay at the Sanchez household. Despite the foreign sounds, smells, and overload of other senses, Keith found the house's overly loving aura to be a comfort. The house wasn't always clean (if anything it never was, there were always toys to be put away, laundry piles to be folded, spills to be mopped up), and it only added to the family sensation.

Keith enjoyed being around Rosa and the others. Rachel, Lance's sister-in-law, was a riot to be around. She was a kid at heart, throwing puns and laughing at every joke Lance made.

Out of all the family members, Keith was thankfully not required to make a lot of contact with Jaime, and they usually only spoke at the dinner table or on the off chance that he ran into him before he left for work.

However, that all came to a change when Rosa instigated the date idea.

Or, as Lance called it, the 'Worst fucking idea my mom has ever had since she tried mario kart and failed" idea. Bad Date Plan for short.

Keith and Rosa were folding laundry on the couch when she mentioned it. Lance had lounged across the floor, skipping through channel after channel on the TV, indecisive and testing his mother's patience.

"Mom--" Lance whined, skipping through several shows that Keith thought would've been fine to watch, but had been automatically vetoed by Lance. "There's nothing to do!"

Rosa grabbed a pile of unfolded underwear from the laundry basket and tossed them in Lance's direction. "¡Parate, huevon! There's plenty to do! You've got a long list of chores and your boyfriend is doing one of them." She emphasized the word boyfriend, nodding in the direction of Keith to her right who was, in fact, doing Lance's laundry chores.

Keith gave Lance a smug smirk with a wrinkled nose, tossing red boxers at Lance's head and missing. "Fold your own underwear, nerd. It's nasty."

Lance groaned, practically rolling up from the floor like a noodle. "You're such a kiss up. And it's not nasty," Lance paused, wearing that crooked grin that Keith knew all too well. "It's not like you haven't seen it before."

"Well yeah but--" Keith turned red, eyes practically popped out of their sockets with the realization of Lance's words.

"Come on, Keith. I thought you liked me in my underwear."

What did Lance mean by that? Hell, Keith knew exactly what he meant. He was insinuating sex. He was doing it in front of his mother too! He was talking about sex, in front of Rosa, making an innuendo, in front of Rosa, talking about their non-existent, fake, pretend sex lives, in front of Rosa, wiggling his eyebrows seductively, in front of Rosa?

Was he trying to get murdered?

Rosa whipped Lance with an unfolded towel. "Lance!" Rosa cried, looking ready to whack him again. "¡No seas asqueros! I'm your mother, don't talk about that stuff around me." The woman went back to folding her clothes, placing some of Josie's shirts into a neat pile.

Lance gaped, throwing his hands in the air. "What?! But you're the one who gave Keith and I the safe sex talk a couple days ago! You can't just, like, give the sex talk then dismiss my sexual jo--"

"When's the last time you boys went on a date?"

Her words were like a brick wall, blunt and straight to the issue. Both boys had their mouths snap shut, each staring with wide eyes.

"Um..." Keith began, not moving a muscle, though slowly looking to Lance for help. A date! A date? They'd never been on a bloody date. They weren't even dating for fuck's sake.

"We, uh..." Lance rubbed at the back of his neck looking sheepish at his mother. "We've gone to a couple movies, I guess?"

Rosa folded her arms over a chest. "Really? And what movies?"

Dirty Laundry *Klance book*Where stories live. Discover now