« Ok, but not too long im sort of tired and need my goodnight sleep. » Harry breathed out the breath he was holding. He didn't know what he was going to say and when but he knew it was meant to be soon. Looking back at Zayn he saw how he kept checking his watch.

« Does Zanydirella have to be back to the Hotel at midnight or else the mean witch will scream at him ? » Harry said teasing Zayn softly. Zayn laughed quietly.

« Not quite, no »
Harry frowned. Zayn was acting weird.
« Zayn what is it ? » Zayn avoided Harry's stare. They had stopped in front of a small lake. The reflection of the moon was making the water shimmer. A soft breeze passed and made Harry shiver. Still without looking at him Zayn took off his vest and putted it on Harry. Harry blushed.

This was stupid. Harry didn't know why he couldn't do it. He'd done it before. He knew Zayn already knew how he felt about him. So why was it so difficult, now ?

Maybe because deep down Harry knew something had changed between them. It didn't feel the same and Harry didn't know what to do with this new situation.

He frowned. This whole night was not going as planned. He puffed an annoyed sound.

« You know what, Zayn this is stupid we should head back to the car. The driver must be waiting for us. »

He started walking back towards the way they came from. But he hadn't made one step that two firm hands held him back.

« Hey, no you can't go it's midnight. » Zayn's voice surprised Harry. It sounded like one of a baby. Harry turned around and searched Zayn's face. Zayn was still not looking at him. Even with the dark Harry could see a faint taint of red on Zayn's cheeks.

Was Zayn blushing ?

« Yeah it's midnight and ? » Harry didn't understand why being midnight was so important to Zayn, right now.

Zayn rolled his eyes and bit his lip.
« Well it means it's the 25th of March... » Harry frowned. He knew that date from somewhere but couldn't remember. Seeing that Harry was struggling to keep up he continued.

« 25th March, the day I left One Direction.. the day I turned my back on you. » Harry opened his eyes wide open. Right, three years ago Zayn had officially left one direction. He had left Harry heart broken and alone. Wondering if staying in this world was still worth something. Harry bit Back tears. He hated thinking about those moments. He was at his lowest and he didn't like or need to remember that.

« Where are you going with this, Zayn ? » Taking a deep breath Zayn took Harry's hands in his own.

« Three Years ago, I left you and my problems behind. I ran and hid behind excuses, never wanting to face reality. These past few months touring with you, being around you 24/7 made me realize what I had lost. When we were younger I took you for granted and made you feel worthless because I was scared of facing who I really was. You made me discover  a side of me I never thought I would ever discover in my life. » Harry looked into Zayn's eyes. Tears were threatening to spill but the sincerity Harry saw in them cut his breath away.

« Look, I'm not ready to say it out loud just yet but I've come to terms with it. I don't like just girls and that's something I've come to accept. But you Harry.. I'm in love with you. With every aspects of you. When I realized it, I knew I had to tell before something comes in between us like it always does. So when we were at your sisters house I asked her were I could take you to tell you all I was feeling. And she told me you'd always wanted to come to Venice if ever you had a Romantic getaway with someone. So this is it. 25th March 3 years ago I let you go. Today, I'm taking you back. If you still want me to of course... » Zayn paused and looked up to watch Harry's reaction to his declaration.

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