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mills🦄, red head👅, schnappel😎,
c🐛, gaten🐿, jake☻, ronald🐗, jacko wacko🐮, ayla tesler babe😸, drummer🔥 and noelle🌼

noelle🌼: okay guys,
I created yet another gc

ronald🐗: no shit?!
I thought this was
a skype call

ayla tesler babe😸: ^ okay
but this has me deAd😂
the sarcasm on point👏

noelle🌼: FUCK OFF
RON! and ayla, I thought
we were supposed to be

ronald🐗: love you noelle
and I'm glad to be your
amusement source ayla

jake☻: wHy did you make
another gc??

drummer🔥: and why isn't
finn and maddie included??

jacko wacko🐮: so many

mills🦄: ^

noelle🌼: ugh-
okay, so seeing as finn
and maddie are back in
canada.. and with all
the drama lately such
as finn's 'fans' hating on
maddie and also the fact
that maddie's parents are
super pissed at her bc she
flew to LA..

noelle🌼: i thought it'd be
cool if we all (excluded ayla,
jack and malcolm as you
already live near them) went
to visit them this weekend

noelle🌼: like, we can throw
a party?? maybe at your house
ayla bc it's huge? or we can
have a sleepover?? i mean,
i think both of them
needs to be surrounded by
all of their friends bc even
tho the hate has subsided, ik
it's still affecting the both of
them pretty badly

mills🦄: THAT IS A

c🐛: wAit can we maybe
add the IT cast?? Ik finn
is super close with them
also and he would
appreciate if they would
be there too

noelle🌼: YESHH ADD


jaeden: who am I??
where am i?? what is

wyatt: is all of
the question marks
really neccesary jaeden?

red head👅: and wyatt
still hasn't changed

wyatt: hello to you 2 sadie

jeremy: OHH A GC i love
a good 'ol gc

chosen: i would like
to know the meaning
of this gc

sophia: JXKSKEKK

jack: i see that there is
another jack here, i just
want to tell you that
you have the best name
in history of names

jacko wacko🐮: thanks😏

gaten🐿: OKAY SO WE'VE
we all want to go to vancouver
to supirse finn and maddie

noelle🌼: i just realised
i could have typed that
instead of writing 3 paragraphs

ronald🐗: sucks to suck!

noelle🌼: 🖕

wyatt: oKay, so i'm definitely
in bc i have been wanting to
meet maddie bc finn told
me she's the 'queen of memes'

jaeden: i need dates

noelle🌼: this upcoming

jack: yea, im in! i needa
meet my husbands gf

jeremy: ^ #REDDIE

jeremy: but i will probably
attend as i have no social
life nor plans for this weekend

chosen: i am in!!!!

wyatt: why that many
!!! marks?

chosen: go away

wyatt: i'm a bad bitch
you can't kill me

ronald🐗: oh i love
a fellow vine watcher

noelle🌼: guyss let's get
back on topic!!

noelle🌼: who's going??

jaeden: ig all of the IT cast

mills🦄: sadie and i are
defs coming

schnappel😎: if it means
i can meet you noelle then i
am in

noelle🌼: ❤😏

c🐛: flIrty!!^^^ but im in😏

gaten🐿: yep, I'll go

red head👅: millie already
answered for me

ronald🐗: you're gonna force
me to go anyway noelle so
i'm in and if i'm going
jake is going bc he is my

jake☻: idk if i want to go..

noelle🌼: stfu you are going!

drummer🔥: jack and i are
going ofc.. ayla?? wbu??

ayla tesler babe😸: yep!
besides, it's going to be
hosted at my house..
rather than a party we can
have like a giant sleepover?
and play like fun games
and watch movies?

jaeden: im down for that^

mills🦄: me too

schnappel😎: me 3

jeremy: me 4

noelle🌼: okay, so then
a sleepover at ayla's house
this weekend😏 it's going
to be 🔥🔥

wyatt: indeed it is

ronald🐗: yayy! Im excited

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