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itsmaddie: I'm going to be the new girl again

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itsmaddie: I'm going to be the new girl again


Username1: holy shit, how did she get so many followers

Username2: and why does finn follow her?

Username3: propably bc he saw that lame ass video

itsnoelleman: excuse yourself ^


rronn: better not replace us

itsmaddie: thank you darling @itsnoelleman

itsmaddie: never @rronn

JakeL: have fun, miss you 💛

itsmaddie: don't think I' ever have fun at school, but thanks, miss u too friend 💓

rronn: friendszoneD

finnwolfhardofficial: at least try to have fun Maddie😂💙

itsmaddie: will do @finnwolfhardofficial💚

Username4: hdkeldkfnmdnrjekdkcmd



"Do I really have to go?" Already knowing the answer, I sigh as my mother gives me a pointed look. "Yes Madilyn, you'll be fine, now, I'm late for work." I slightly roll my eyes, grabbing my bag as I exist the car, my mother speeding off, leaving me at King Grey High School.

"Screw me." I silently mumble to myself, making my way towards the main entrance of the school, teenagers already staring at me, propably labeling me as 'the new girl.'

God, how I wish I haf Noelle here with me. She would've already made ten new friends, whereas I am propably going to go through this year alone.

Shit, what if these kids saw my video? Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

They're gonna' bully me.

Screw you Noelle for posting that.

Pushing open the school doors, and also pushing behind my thoughts, I find the office quite easily, which I am glad for, because I didn't want to ask someone to give me directions.

The lady hands me my scedule, she also hands me my locer code, and with that, I stumble out of the offiice, completely lost.

Where in the hell is room T41?

I start to walk down the hallway, a few kids leaning against lockers, some talking to their friends, some making out, some checking me out, though I ignore their stares, continuing onward, searching for room T41.

After about five minutes of searching, I have come to notice two things.

One, this school is huge.
Two, I'm going to be late for class seeing that the bell rang two minutes ago.

Stumbling through the empty halls, I finally come across room T39, noticing that room T41 is only two classrooms down.

I smile with relief once I reach the door, seeing that the class is already seated.

How fucking great, now everyone is going to have their attention on me.

Without another thought, I open the door, pursing my lips tightly as everyone focuses their eyes on me.

"Sorry, I'm late." I quickly apologize, my voice just above a whisper as I make eye contact with the teacher.

Her hair is pulled tightly into a ponytail, her blonde strands curly. She isn't old, not is she young, I'd say she is in her late twenties.

She eyes me intently, though a soft smile forms on her face.

"You must be Madilyn Smith. I'm Miss Sanders."

"Maddie. It's Maddie." I quickly correct her as she nods, "well, welcome to King Grey, why don't you share something about yourself with us." I gulp, my eyes diverting to the class.

Why? Why do I have to be so shy?

"Well uh-I-I'm from New York." I start, cursing myself from stuttering. Jesus Madilyn, stop being such an introvert.

"And uh- that's it." I mumble, not knowing what else to share. My homeroom teacher, Miss Sanders, opens her mouth, but she is cut off when a student yells out, "aren't you that girl who's video went viral." I bite my lip, my cheeks red eith embaressment.

"That would be me." I shyly confirm, and before anyone else can interrogate me, Miss Sanders interrupts, "Madil- Maddie, please take a seat next to Ayla. Ayla, please raise your hand."

The girl, Ayla, has dirty blonde hair, longer than my own blonde hair. She seems very friendly, her smile soft as I make my way over, placing myself on the desk next to her.

Once I am seated, Miss Sanders continues to babble, with Ayla turning towards me. "Hi." She smiles politely as I give her an awkward wave. "I'm Ayla, as you've heard, and you're Maddie, it's nice to meet you." She introduces, sticking out her hand as I shake it, "nice to meet you too." I give her a smile.

"So, can I just say, I feel honoured to be sitting next to someone famous." She starts, seemingly excited as I chuckle slightly. "I'm not famous." I deny, shrugging slightly as she rolls her eyes, "your video went viral, I'd say you're famous." Before I can retort, I am cut short by Miss Sanders.

"Ayla, Maddie, attention please." She scowls as I sink back in my seat, hating that I was called on. I almost never get called on.

"Psst." I whip my head toward Ayla.

"Come sit with me at lunch, we alwayd sit outside." I give her a small smile, nodding, accepting the offer.

First day and I've already made a friend. This is going better than expected.


Okay, so ik that Ayla is a year older than finn/maddie but this is fictional so just go with it...and also the high school is made up and yeaaaa

Thanks for reading x

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