Chapter 18: Story Time

Start from the beginning

Jon sat up. Leia unrolled the bandages, then wrapped them around her son's torso. The next thing she did was apply disinfectant spray to the various cuts and scratches on Jon's body. The stinging sensation of the spray caused Jon to gasp, grunt and grit his teeth.

"Sorry if that hurts," said Leia. "But I'm all done now. Just let me take your temperature." Jon opened his mouth to allow Leia to put the thermometer in it. A few seconds passed before the thermometer beeped, and Leia took it from Jon's mouth.

"You are a bit feverish, Jon," Leia observed.

"An infection could have possibly set in this early," said Han, coming over to Jon's and Leia's sides.

"It's not an infection, Han," Leia told him, looking at the med-scanner. "Jon's just got a mild case of shock." Jon and Han exchanged worried looks, no doubt remembering what had happened when Han had gone into shock back in the med-center.

"Jon will be fine," said Leia. "All he needs is some rest."

"And new clothes," Jon added. He sat up, shivering slightly.

"Yes, of course. I know that, son," said Leia. She went off to talk to several Ewoks. Han, Chewie and Luke knelt down by Jon.

"Here, you can have my poncho, Jon," said Luke. He took off his poncho and handed it to Jon, who put it on. "And you can you keep it if you like."

"Thanks, Luke," said Jon. "But are you sure I can keep it? I mean, wouldn't you want it back eventually?"

"Yes, I'm sure," said Luke. "It's yours, Jon." There was a reason Luke wanted Jon to have his poncho. Unbeknownst to the boy, or any of Luke's other friends-including Leia, his own twin sister-Luke was planing to leave soon to confront Darth Vader, his father.

"That was very nice of you, Luke," Han told him. "Thanks."

"You're welcome, Han," said Luke.

"And how do you feel, Jon?" asked Han.

"Better," answered Jon. "I just wish Mom and those Ewoks would hurry up with my new clothes." Han spotted an Ewok who was holding his camouflage trench coat coming into the hut.

"Oh, I was wondering where that thing was," said Han. He went over to the Ewok, and took the coat. Upon coming back to Jon, Han put the coat around his son's shoulders. Jon put his arms through the trench coat's sleeves, but it was slightly too large for him. Han started chuckling.

"What's so funny, Dad?" asked Jon.

"I'm just remembering how, when you were really little, you'd dress up in my clothes, which were all too big for you," said Han.

"Ok, I'm back," Leia said as she reentered the hut. A crowd of ever-present Ewoks followed her. She was holding a green shirt and a matching pair of green pants.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 3: Return of the JediWhere stories live. Discover now