Three: Give me some credit

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That sucked ass, I gotta stop drinking. It's dark, did I make it home? I'd remember a lecture if I did... oh no...

did I sleep with someone? Oh damn me to hell, I totally did! I remember getting into someone's car. Why is this guy's house so damn dark It's literally pitch black, I can't see anything, and it's so cold.

I chuckle a bit

"Oh baby doll, you're awake!" An unfamiliar voice remarks, he sounds nice enough, no wonder why I slept with him.

"Um, yeah haha, did we? you know? I was pretty drunk I'm sorry if I forg-"

"honey bunches, no! I would never! You're too innocent for that, give me some credit, I knew how drunk you were so I protected you!" he seems so lovely, but there's something in his voice, like he knows me, somethings not right. Don't be stupid Gerard! This dude helped you, be a bit more appreciative.

"thanks for that." I tried to sound like a migraine didn't just missile kick me in the head.

"do you have any painkillers? Not to be a pain but my head hurts a whole bunch" I'm trying my hardest to be nice an polite after all this dude helped me a lot.

"sure sunshine, whatever you need," he spoke softer, this guy is a keeper, I know that for sure. "here, and here's some water." oh my lord can I marry him already?

There was a long silence, a comfortable silence. I spoke as soon as the pills kicked in

"would you mind turning a light on? I can't see anything oh- if you don't mind that is."

He seemed to almost choke on air "A-are you sure? Can't we just stay in the dark? For a little longer, please? your hangover won't like the light anyway!" I'm so confused; maybe his room is messy or something. The coldness of the floor just hit me; I didn't realise the cold until now. Why am I on the floor? What's going on?

"My heads ok now, I want to see what my knight in shining armour looks like."

His breath caught in his throat, is he surprised I callled him that? Well of course he is Gerard! No one says that anymore.

He turned the light on.

It wasn't his room.

It was a basement.

I was chained up by my feet, how didn't I feel that?

It was all bland concrete except the blood stains on the walls.

He just laughed dryly "oh muffin, I'm sorry, I just need you forever that's all...

I'm sorry if that was bad! 

Give me suggestions or things you hope happens in the comments or message me!

have a wonderful day everyone!

until next time!

Enjoy the trainwreck.

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