Chapter 29 - Rock Her World

Start from the beginning

About midway through the courtyard, she began to cry. Snow was pelting her face to the point that she couldn't see, the hood of her coat was no longer sufficient constantly blowing off her head and then filling with the wet heavy snow.

Several steps later, the soaked, brown bag that contained her food broke and there was her dinner strewn and quickly disappearing in the cascade of crunchy slush. Striving to salvage something of her dinner she finally gave up when her foot skidded and she tumbled to the ground.

"Es-tu ok belle?" [Are you ok beautiful?] She heard from a man with his face covered bandit-style with a scarf.

"Oui ... merci, je suis tellement bête." [Yes...thank you, I am so foolish.]

" auriez-vous su? Le temps a changé si vite." [ would you have known? The weather changed so quickly.]

As they rose and his sultry eyes met hers, she knew it was him. Forever branded in her heart he was and she quickly grew ashamed for sleeping with Gabriel.

Ever so slowly Noelle eased his scarf down to reveal that facial hair...and those lips.

"Geezus..." In barely a whisper, she had such mixed feeling with him being here. For now she just wanted to take him in.

Smooth, creamy lips with just a hint of color and gloss, she missed those on hers and nether.

Unbelievable to think, but Prince looked as awful as she did with wet hair, mascara and eyeliner running down his cheeks from the crushed ice chips plummeting from the sky. Even with no alcoholic beverages consumed, she wondered if she was he really here?

"I feel so foolish Noelle. I was so wrong for springing leaving on you like I did. There are just no words that describe the feeling I have when I'm with you and it's been unbearable without you."

What about Tamar? She thought. He didn't look miserable performing with her.

"How did you know where to find me?"

"Does it matter? Let's get you home you're gonna catch pneumonia."


"Yeah baby?"

Saying his name aloud and having him reply was a necessity, much needed confirmation that he was really here. While they paused to share a loving gaze, he was befuddled by her lack of words.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Inquiring through the peek of his scarf with a broad smile only his eyes could convey.

"I wasn't expecting anyone, let alone you." she confessed still in shock at his presence and ability to find her in this dastardly weather.

"Those make the best surprises sugar." He reassured while wrapping his arm around her waist and guiding her in the direction of their villas.

Arriving back at her villa, he took her keys and opened the door. Stepping into the laundry area, they quietly began to strip out of their wet clothes.

A harsh tug on her boot caused her to lose balance and stumble against the washing machine.

"Whoa girl. You need to be careful. This tile is slick. I don't need things to get ugly with little mama taking a spill." Concern written all over his face caught her off guard.

Shiver after shiver he watched her struggle to unbutton the tiny buttons on her now sheer blouse that was soaked at the top imparting the information he already knew, lil baby. Worried about her getting sick, he immediately snatched her hand, pressing his lips on the back, and hauling her to the bathroom where he gently turned the faucet handles to draw a hot bath.

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