•trapped• part VI

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Idk if I've mentioned this before but I have pretty bad claustrophobia, I even cried on a field trip in 7th grade because theres was a lot of people in a small amount of space, so all of Keith's reactions are based off of my own.

If you think Keith tops then I'm sorry to disappoint but I have valid reasons for Lance topping so that's how this is gonna go. <3

For some reason some of the text keeps glitching out so if you think pieces of the story are missing comment or message me (I'll reply to messages first)


//Keith's POV - First Person / Second Person //

Did he just say what I think he did?

"What did you say?" was all I could mutter. I mean, Lance liking me? Come on, that's completely ridiculous.

"Huh?" his eyebrows perked up. "I didn't say anything?"

For some reason I felt like I'd just been crushed. Like a weight was dropped onto my soul.

"R-Really? I could've sworn I heard you say... something."

Was I really making this up?

"What did you think I said?"

"Nothing, never mind."

I guess it really was my imagination. What was I expecting? What did I want him to say? Why do I feel so disappointed? I what now? My head is all messed up again. Look, I don't like him, okay?

// Lance's POV - First Person / Second Person //

Oh thank the stars. He didn't hear me. Or at least not very clearly. What would've happened if he knew I loved him. I'd probably break the fragile bond we already have.

A relationship is like a kite. It won't fly high if you hold it too tightly. Loosen your grip too much and it falls. And when you suddenly pull strongly on a kite flying high in the sky, the string will snap and it will never come back. Keith is my kite. I can't let him snap. I can't confess.

// Keith's POV - First Person / Second Person //

I couldn't just be imagining this, right? I mean he clearly just confessed. 'I think I love you' or something like that.

I glanced over at him. He's running his fingers through his hair, it looks so soft and bouncy. Oh quiznack, he caught me looking at him. He flashed me the brightest smile and I felt a surge of uncontrollable emotions.

// Lance's POV - First Person / Second Person //

Pressure. On my lips.

"K-Keith?" I stared at him in disbelief. "Did that just happen?"

"No," he said defiantly.

His lips. That actually happened. His lips were warm and soft, though the surface was just slightly chapped. The back and side of my neck burned, where he touched me. Where he pulled me to him. The burn was swallowing me whole and I wanted to let it consume me. Keith. I want Keith to consume me. Uh, actually I'd top Keith, but you know what I mean.  My eyes went wide.

Keith was completely flushed. I couldn't help but snicker a little, though I was still confused.

"Just because you deny something doesn't mean it didn't happen." My lips were still warm and tingly. And my cheek, where he held my face pleasantly burned, too. It was like any place he touched had a lingering flame that traveled across my skin.

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