The battle of Blood! Azure vs Kuro!

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Kuro flew up to face Azure, a heat resonating from both of them, this would be the battle of a life time, azure suddenly goes to the ground where he originally reappeared and grabs a sword on the ground. It was about the size of of him! And had a weird Crystal on a chain at the bottom of the hilt resembling Kuro's portara

Kuro: You're gonna use that sword against me?

Kuro takes out his sword, and they both get into their stances.

Mary: Kuro don't kill him! I still think we can find a way to save him!

Kuro smirks and so does Azure. All that was seen of the two fighters were clashes of white and black and the occasional cut in the ground from a missed sword attacks.

Mary: uhh what's going on? I can't see anything.

Nekron: Yeah this isn't like the other battles we've seen.

Y/N: I can see them perfectly fine, man you guys need to learn how to sense ki.

Mary: well then teach us right here right now.

Y/N: move to paces to the left Mary.

Mary does so and a broken half to a sword whizzed by her.

Y/N: damn it my sword! You'll pay for that you annoying cripple!

Kuro suddenly erupts with a crazy amount of heat as he dodges Azure's swift attack before retaliating with a flurry of punches.

Kuro: this battle is pointless. Give up. Not many people can rival to power of Ultra Instinct.

Azure gets up and keeps trying to fight the Blind Saiyan who can break into the realm of even angels.

Y/N: cmon a little closer... Now!

Y/N turns super Saiyan God and knocks Azure out in one swift savage strike. Kuro picks up the hilt and "looks" at the weird jewel on the end.

Kuro: "No way... Could he be... My brother? Heh I'm very impressed that he got to his own team of a loving family..."

Y/N and his team, well what's left of it, stood over the knocked out azure as he turns to base form and the dark energy vanishes away from him.

Nekron: he seems normal again. Now what should we do to him?

Mary: well make sure he is perfectly fine. I mean he is our friend so let's get him a senzu bean.

Y/N sighs and feeds Azure a Senzu bean.

Y/N: don't say I don't do anything to you.

Azure shot up to attention, as if he was in a battle before the one he was just in.

Azure: Now I got-.... You? Why am I back at beacon? Where's the blue guy I was fighting with the girl? Why the hell is my jacket messed up!?

Nekron: Azure, you weren't aware of your current assault on us are you?

Azure: What.

Y/N sighs and explains everything to the second of command of the team.

Azure: A black super Saiyan form? Heh I really am amazing. I think I'll call it... Super Saiyan Noir.... Yes super Saiyan noir sounds perfect.

Y/N: yeah, it rivaled the power of super Saiyan God, so I want a rematch right here right now Azure! I won't be pulling any punches just because you're aware of this battle now!

Right before they could start their battle Glynda Good witch traps them and takes them to ozpin.

Mary: well, I wonder what punishment they'll get.

Nekron: yeah, hey where did Wrex go?

--------------Age: ???-----------------------
Wrex woke up in a weird desolate city very similar to vale when two figures walk up to him. A male and a female.

Female: hm... He'll be of good use, Mira take him out.

Wrex: What? Who are you two?

Mira: Yes Towa.

The male known as Mira suddenly knocks out the prideful Saiyan and they fly off somewhere to god knows what.

Hey guys, sorry if the chapter took a bit. I was just try to come up with an idea on how to write this chapter and I'm working on another book (yes another) plus the other 4 books. So enjoy this and until next time!

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