The battle for the dragon balls! Reveal yourself the Ultimate Grimm!

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They stood there. Being silent ready to fight

Azure: What are you and why do you have so much ki?

???: Well my mother made me to be the ultimate life form, she called me cell. The perfect Grimm

Mary: Careful guys he's Grimm

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Mary: Careful guys he's Grimm

Y/N charges at him head on just for cell to knock the super Saiyan out of him with one swift punch

Wrex: Y/N!

Wrex charges at cell and start a full on assault of attacks as Azure hold his hands to his side.

Azure: Guys keep him busy!

Mary and Nekron start their onslaught of attacks and cut Cell in half

Y/N: HA!

Y/N blasts the top half to ash and the bottom go limp

Nekron: Don't need to alarm anyone, but he's not turning to goo

Cell jumps up and regenerates

Cell: Gah! You assholes! What was that for?!

Y/N: You tried to kill us!

Cell: and take your dragonballs

Y/N turns super Saiyan and charges an attack next to Azure

Y/N: Like hell! KAMEHAMEHA!


Cell laughs and holds out his two hands


(Before anyone says anything, cell can technically use final flash since he has Vegeta's cells)

The final flash takes over both attacks and Mary starts attacking him furiously, not caring about her Aura. She wanted to kill Cell

Azure: W-Wrex stop her...

Mary uses her semblance to bind cell down with nature as Nekron cuts off his legs to stop him for a second.

Cell: stop that!

He regenerates his legs. Beyond pissed off

Cell: Well then... I'll have to stop holding back. HIYAAAH

Cell stood there in a golden aura, like he just went super Saiyan. He was now at 50% power.

Azure: Mary, Nekron hold him off from the back, Wrex hold him off from the air, Y/N you attack him with me from the sides, now go!

They start their plan on there assault, even though cell was still beyond their levels, even when Wrex and Azure went into super Saiyan grade 2.

Cell: I expected more from you filthy humans, but I guess this is it

He forms a ki blade and stab Azure right in the chest

MNW: Azure!

Y/N goes into a burst of rage, hitting cell into the air before slamming him into the ground and blasting him with Ki blast


Y/N pants hard as cell gets out if the cell casually gets out of the crater and laughs
Cell: that was fun Y/N, why don't you try getting a scratch on my next time why don't you?

He laughs insanely

Y/N: Mary give Azure a senzu we need him up!

Mary: R-Right

She feeds Azure a senzu bean and he's up and back in super Saiyan grade 2 And all 5 them go back to fighting the Grimm known as Cell

Wrex: There's no way he is this strong!

Cell: Oh it is dear Saiyan, because I have your cells in me as well as the girl with silver eyes known as Ruby Rose...

Mary: You are not anything like any of us you freak!

Mary starts another onslaught of attacks,  cell didn't seem interested with this battle

Cell: I'm bored now... Goodbye!

He smacks Mary unconscious and Nekron gets angry to see his teammate get attacked like this by some creature they just met.


Nekron goes into attack Cell with his rage of attack

Cell: You bore me... BEGONE HUMAN SCUM

He blasts Nekron into the forest, leaving the 3 tired Saiyans

Azure: Wrex... We need to do the thing!

Wrex turns red with blush

Wrex: We are not doing that in a million years!!!

Y/N: Whatever the hell it is just fucking do it! Cell won't just stand there forever!

Cell crosses his arms

Cell: I'll wait for your little trick, but not going to do much for you either way. I'll kill you and take your Dragonballs

He laughs darkly and crosses his arms

Cell: Tick, Tock

Y/N: Now do it now!

Wrex grumbles

Wrex: GAH fine I'll fuse with you Azure! Just hurry up before I don't want to do it!

Azure and Wrex fly a few feet away from each other

Azure/Wrex: FUUUUUU.... SIIOOOOON... HA!!!!

The two Saiyans do an odd dance

(Just with Azure and Wrex, while cell is watching)

There is a bright light and a new warrior is standing there

???: time to die Cell!

Goku black: Will this fused warrior be enough to beat cell? Or will cell kill them all? Find out next time on a True Warrior! Male Saiyan reader X RWBY! There Alex I did your stupid outro

Me: Thanks Black, see you later

Black: *grumbles* bye you filthy mortals! I'm coming for you next

A True warrior! (Male Saiyan reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now