Chapter Six

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The next morning when William arrived at dispatch he went straight to Grells office to see how much she got done the night before, though when he entered he found the office in shambles and Grell passed out cold tear steaks down her face. He blinked and shut the door quietly behind him turning the lock with a click before his eyes shifted around the room, he didnt move from his spot for a few minutes though eventually inched forward and crouched to Grell shaking her delicately although she still shot up her forehead colliding with her superiors causing them both to curse and groan. William then stood gloved hand rubbing his skull while Grell curled up hissing underneath her breath "Grell? Are you alright" the Red Head froze and before Will could blink stumbled to her feet "W-Will! I - uh- WHA-" only to stumble back and trip over a filing cabinet she previously knocked over and a whimper escaped her lips almost as if she were an injured puppy and Will sighed shifting towards her "I'll take that as a no." He replied to his own question leaning and grabbing the Red Shinigami's arm gently pulling her to her feet and she hummed in a thanks attempting to pull her arm away, however her Superior had other plans and instead pulled her to him wrapping his normally stiff arms around her dropping the cold deminore he held so well and replacing it with the warm concern. The action at first caused the red head confusion though she didn't reject it, in fact she absorbed it returning the needed hug given to her.

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