Dave Strider Is Not Gay

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His skin was soft, and hands begged to be touched. Chapped lips made their way to his neck, kissing with less than subtle desperation. Eyes, not covered by shades, glanced down as contact was made.  Confessions leaped from both boys lips, as hands touched hands. Hearts reached out to hearts, and lips reached out to lips. Everything passionately sudden and achingly slow at the same time. It had been a long time coming, so when it came it happened fast.

Contact. Love. Reasurance. Hands gripping sheets. All faded away as Dave Strider awoke from the dream. A dream that he knew he shouldn't be having. He wasn't gay, he was sure he wasn't. The only reason he must be having these dreams is because his good freind, Karkat Vantas, and object of his dream affection had just come out as pansexual. That was surely it. Yet he couldn't get the eco of the dream from his head. The whispers and confessions of love. The safety he felt as he was cradled in the other boy's arms.

He sat up, reaching out for his phone to check the time. Great, he was woken up at 6:34 on a holiday, all thanks to the stupid dream, and stupid, hot, perfe- Karkat fuckin' Vantas. Surprisingly, he had no notifications. No one had pestered him, not even Terezi, who probably wouldn't even be asleep yet. He knew he should talk to someone. John? No, he wouldn't get it. Rose? She would over analyze it all. Karkat? No! That would be a step too far

Kanaya- that was it. She was one of karkats best freinds, so she might be able to help. She was also joint first in the biggest lesbian category, next to rose, so she might know a bit about the LGBT stuff.

His hands hovered above the pesterchum icon, but he couldn't quite bring himself to click. He couldn't wake Kanaya for something so stupid. It was a dream and he didn't feel anything at all about it, as cool kids often did. He was indifferent. He totally could stop thinking about Karkat's surprisingly soft hands, with red nail polish on bitten nails. The way his lips would feel when pressed against karkat's didn't posses 20% of his mind and he certainly didn't want to know what it would be like to put his hands through karkats thick black curls.

His name is Dave Strider, and he is not gay

He put down the phone. There was nothing much he could do at 6:40 in the morning, so he layed back down and tried not to think too hard. Especially not about a certain Mr Vantas. Dave forced his thoughts to go to other places and by the morning he had planned out several 'sick beats' he would make, and hand out to his freinds via pesterchum. These beats would be so sick they would practically be dying. With his mind taken away from the dream (that obviously didn't mean anything) and his thoughts taken up by plants for ill tunes he fell to sleep, and he didn't dream of karkat. He didn't even dream at all.

Dave awoke to the sound of a crash, and the sight of lil cal who was holding a note in one of his hands. Paws? Gloves. He moved closer and took the note out  of the ever present puppets glove. Shit. Bro wanted a fight, and he wanted it now. He stood up, shoving on a t-shirt that he didn't mind getting dirty and a regular pair of black skinny jeans. He grabbed his shitty sword and little cal before walking out of his room and up onto the roof. He hoped things would not get particularly messy, and he prayed to any god that may be listening that bro wasn't to angry.

As soon as he stepped foot onto he roof it started. His sword clanged against Bro's, knocking him of balance and before he could get it back another blow was delivered. This time he couldn't block, and the sharp sword cut straight into his arm, leaving a slash through his delicate skin. He attempted to get back his balance, but had no time to swing his sword before a third blow was dealt, witch ripped the material on his top. Dave wasn't on his top game today, his mind still foggy from the dream. As much as he told himself it didn't mean anything, he was still occupied with it on some subconscious level he couldn't quite understand and it was really throwing him off of his game.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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