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"What was that?" Eunha asks. Yoongi pushes her away and runs towards the window.

"Saesang fan." Yoongi mumbles. Without saying anything to Eunha, he runs out the door.

"Yoongi? Wait for me!" Eunha opens the door but is greeted by Jungkook, who is very confused.

"Eunbi?" Jungkook starts to say.

Eunha covers his mouth. "Yeah, yeah, it's me. But I got to go!"

Eunha chases after Yoongi, who is chasing after the fan.

"Get back here!" Yoongi yells. The fan meets a dead end which ends up her laying down on the floor. He grabs the phone and searches her camera roll.

"It's not here?"

The fan takes off her hat and brushes her hair. "Ugh, you ruined my hair! It took me 3 hours to make it look this nice!"

Eunha looks at the fan. She reaches over and pulls her mask away. "Umji?!"

Yoongi turns around. "You evil punk." He rolls his eyes and throws her phone away.

"Hey!" Umji reaches into the trash can but her phone is covered with moody food. "Ew!" She turns around and grabs Yoongi by his collar. "You're not leaving until you pick up my phone."

"Oh hell no. I can't believe you did that!" Yoongi starts walking away.

"I wanted to figure out what Eunha was hiding!" Umji calls after him.

Eunha pats her shoulder. "He's always cranky. I'll see you later!" She runs after him.

Umji reaches into the trash can, shrieking. Once she gets ahold of her phone, she walks into Bangtan's dorm which was left open. "Irresponsible children." Umji shakes her head in disappointment.

The only person there was Yoongi. "Can't believe Eunha ditched me for Jungkook." He mutters as he plays Mario Kart.

Umji walks in front of the tv and holds her phone in front of her.

"What are you doing here? Get out!" Yoongi tries to look past her. "MOVE IT! I'M GONNA LOSE!"

Once she hears his player die, she dunks her phone into his glass of water and let it sit for 5 seconds before taking it back out. Little dead flies, food crumbs, and mold is now swimming in his water.

"What th-" Before he finishes, Umji runs out of the dorm. "COME BACK HERE!"

"SUCKER!" Umji yells, laughing.


Did you all think it was a saesang? 😂

i guess you're cute || eunha X jungkookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora