Chapter 27: Family Matters

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"I'm here." Rebekah announced noisily, tossing her bags down in the hallway, and listening out for her family. She strutted across the marble tiled floor, her heels creating a marching rhythm for her sassy walk. "Anyone? Hello?" She sighed. "Or are you all too busy being lovesick."


The blonde rounded the corner to find Kol, Eva, Klaus, Caroline and Elijah gathered in the living room, waiting for her.

"Surprise, you crazy girl." Eva chuckled, as she and Caroline pounced on the smiling Original.

"I thought you'd all be off being antisocial!"

"No, you just couldn't resist the insult." Caroline amended, squeezing her in a hug again.

"Welcome back, little sister." Elijah strolled up.

"And where is your little lady?" Rebekah asked warily.

"She'll be arriving tomorrow to show us around Israel, but she knew we'd need some space with you." Elijah's voice had an ever so slightly warning tone to it, and Rebekah nodded to show her acceptance and agreeance in both regards.

"Enough chitchat, come say hello to me Beks." Kol grinned, and she rolled her eyes but gave him a warm hug.

"Hello, sister dear." Klaus drawled.

"Hello, irritating brother." She returned in the same manner. "I trust your trip with Caro went swimmingly?"

"Oh, one could certainly say that." He smirked over at Caroline, who smiled beautifully back at him, the picture of bright happiness.

Rebekah looked between the two of them with a frown. "Okay, this is more sickeningly adorable than usual. What happened?"

"Nothing much." Caroline lied casually, not breaking eye contact with Klaus. Even across the room and not touching one another, the chemistry between them crackled and sparked like an electric livewire.

"Its anyones guess, really." Kol began, and the room heaved a collective sigh in anticipation of his next remark. "I'm going to put my money on some sort of Karma Sutra stuff in India."

"Really?" Eva frowned, thumping his chest with her hand. "That's gross even for you. I don't know how I'm with you."

"I don't think you want me to share with the room how you've been with me." Kol smirked, catching her hand against his chest almost tenderly.

"Alright, and this is why I left." Rebekah shut her eyes and raised her hands, half wishing she could just will herself out of there, but knowing she'd miss her family the second she left.

"Yes, and how was your trip to...oh, wait, Caroline neglected to divulge your little holiday location." Klaus mentioned dryly, and Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Its all so you can learn to let things slide a little easier. You didn't need to know where she was unless it was serious. You can trust me. You can trust me with anything." Caroline's words instantly softened Klaus' eyes, and he nodded, eyes locked on hers.

"Have they been like this since they came back from their trip?" Rebekah asked.

"Yup." Eva confirmed.

"Worse." Kol nodded.

"My guess is they robbed some temple only Bonnie and Clyde style." Eva mused.

"Nup, too small scale. They've stolen something from an ancient vampire lord and they have to keep it secret." Kol said.

"Makes sense about all the weirdness and the trust things." Rebekah agreed.

"Either that or Caroline's just broken our brother." Kol smirked.

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