Chapter 25: Awkward Driving

Start from the beginning

Caroline smiled a little, and Klaus felt more at ease knowing that at least that hadn't changed.

"Well, you are a renowned meddler." She nodded, then bit back a smile at the comical frown he sent her way. "Do you want to know?"


"Check the sign coming up on the left."

"India? India is the final destination?" Klaus glanced over at her. "I never pictured you to be this type of adventurous."

Caroline raised an eyebrow, but didn't rise to the innuendo laced in the last remark. "The culture is so different to anything I've ever experienced. Its always seemed like the most foreign exciting thing to ever experience. And you know my interest in all of these different spiritualities – well, India has the most intriguing one in my opinion. Plus there's no chance of Delhi belly or disease when we're vampires." She added with a smile.

"But why now in particular?" Klaus inquired, recalling her absolute stubborn refusal to put off their travel by so much as a day. There must have been something else pulling her to India.

She sighed. "Fine. You're going to think I'm a total sap, but anyway. There's this festival I read about once, called Holi. When I first heard about it, I just liked all the colour that was associated with it. But now, I like it more for the idea behind it. It signifies the coming of spring, a new dawn, new life..." She paused, self-conscious for a change.

"Go on." Klaus encouraged. Just because he was a cynic and a non-believer in so many things didn't mean that he didn't enjoy the energy of her beliefs. It energized him in return.

"Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. I mean, I'm sure you've been here way too many times to mention, but either way I'll enjoy it."

"Only a few times. Elijah's not quite the type to loosen up enough to enjoy such a city, and Kol simply doesn't appreciate the beauty of the place. And could you ever imagine Rebekah in Mumbai?"

"Give her credit, I'm sure she'd appreciate aspects of it."

"Doubtful." Klaus had known Rebekah for far longer than Caroline, so she had to admit defeat there.

"Its been a while since we've heard from them." Caroline mused. "How about we give them a call from the car?"

"There's been a reason why we haven't been in contact, sweetheart." Klaus grumbled. "And it's the same reason as to why we are not with them now, after far too much time cooped up all together."

"They're your family!" She exclaimed.

"And they've been my family for a thousand years. A little space is often encouraged."

"Klaus." Caroline frowned, shooting him a look that could easily turn men to stone. He seemed impassive, but finally heaved a long breath in through his nose, and exhaled just as slowly, pulling out his phone.

"Thank you." She said ever so smugly.

"You're lucky – " A funny look came across Klaus' face as he realized what he would have ended the sentence with, and he cleared it up just as quickly. "You're lucky I regard you far more highly than my family."

Caroline bit her lip, focusing on the road to try and not think about what he might have said instead.

Rebekah's voice on speakerphone filled in any potential awkward pause.


"Hello, sister dear."

"Well, I certainly didn't expect you of all people to call. It's a pleasant change."

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