Chapter 21: What Are You Doing New Years Eve?

Start from the beginning

Klaus breathed out into her curls before leaving her side to do as he promised. It was not going to be easy.

Rebekah carefully closed the front door behind her, toeing her way silently across the carpet towards the stairs, until she stopped short at the sight of Kol in a pretzel-like position on the couch. She shook her head, intrigued, but not enough to risk being embarrassed on her walk of shame.

However, she was too late. Kol woke up from the light doze he had dropped into as he attempted to sleep, and blinked blearily at his sister.

"Fancy that, my sister caught by me on her way back from yet another bed. This is, what, the second time since I was unstaked? I wonder how many I missed while I was stuck in a coffin and you were running around in the City of Sin during the decade of sex."

"Shut it, Kol. Envy doesn't look good on you." Rebekah sneered, swinging the killer heels she held in her hand half heartedly at him. Kol didn't even bother to flinch.

"What are you doing here anyway, Kol? Waiting by the front door till I returned? If you're trying to play the role of concerned big brother, you're a little late." She continued. "Elijah and Nik already beat you to it."

"Wouldn't dream of it, Bekah. You know thats not my style."

"They why are you here on the couch? I'm the only one who went out last night."

Kol's eyes lit up, and he straightened his hunched posture. "You were the only one out?"

"Yes, Caroline was kind of wrapped around our brother, and Eva said she wasn't feeling up to – " Rebekah stopped, eyes narrowing as she finally caught on. "You were waiting for Eva!"

"Who was waiting for me?" Eva yawned as she walked out of the study with sleepy eyes and rumpled hair. She smiled at Rebekah until she noticed Kol there as well and froze.

"Busted. Damn." She muttered.

"Good morning, Miss Eva. What on Earth were you doing in the study?" Kol asked smugly.

"What were you doing on the couch?" Eva countered, momentarily tripping Kol.

"I asked first." He reminded her in a tone that managed to be calm and authorative while also being childish and petulant.

"I'm going to leave you two so you can bicker in peace. I smell pancakes, and, well, I don't want to watch this sex war unfold again." Rebekah drawled, sashaying upstairs to change. The two barely registered her absence.

"Fine. I woke up early and came read...the old documents...kept in the study." Eva responded slowly. Kol raised one eyebrow and folded his arms, and Eva huffed.

"I was feeling sentimental, wanted to remember the centuries past." She continued, before mimicking his position. "So, why were you on the couch?"

"My bed wasn't comfortable." Kol said bluntly, and Eva bit back a laugh.

"Somehow the Goldilocks act doesn't suit you."

Kol smiled a little at that, and let the cocky demeanor slip off his face slightly. "I'll amend myself then. My bed wasn't comfortable without you."

Eva was taken aback at his honesty, but it was Kol, and he could never be sincere for long.

"Coincidentally, your bed wasn't as comfortable as mine can be, particularly since you weren't in that either." Kol said cunningly, watching Eva squirm.

Busted. Should she be swayed by his words or run again? She remembered what day it was – New Years, a day she had started to personally refer to as 'last-chance-day' – and she decided not to fall for him. For now.

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