Chapter 16: Welcome Stranger

Start from the beginning

"Doesn't that cancel out your first moral code, helping me out?" Caroline said with a raised eyebrow.

Rebekah scoffed and waved a hand. "I've considered you as a sister longer than I've considered Nik a true brother."

"Harsh, Beks." Caroline frowned, but was still touched by the girl's words.

"Tough for Nik. Doesn't mean I don't love him, I love all my brothers. I just don't always consider them true and good brothers."

"But they're still your family."

"True." Rebekah sighed, examining her nails. "Still doesn't mean I can't take sides in a spat between my brother and my girl."

"Don't let Nik hear you say I'm your girl." Caroline giggled, closing the wardrobe doors.

"I won't let Nik hear about it." Rebekah said while giving her a look with raised eyebrows. "Mums the word."

Caroline shrugged off her own words – it was just a nickname, chill out Rebekah – and went to flop down on the bed next to the blonde Original.

"Why is he so difficult?"

"He's my brother. He's one of the Mikaelson clan. That should explain everything."

"But just cause I'm hanging out with you guys right now doesn't mean that I'm going to drop all my beliefs." Caroline said, refusing to look at Rebekah even when she rolled on her side to stare at her. "I'm not going to stop thinking that it isn't always right to feed directly from people. Because yeah, we might not be human anymore, but we're all still people. And I don't want to hurt anyone."

"I knew a man who felt the same way once." Rebekah mused. "He was able to come to terms with feeding after a while. He is probably one of the most gracious vampires I've ever known, and by far more considerate than Klaus and Kol."

"Who?" Caroline asked, turning her head to see Rebekah's face.

"Elijah. My best brother, in my opinion, just don't tell anyone." She whispered, and Caroline smiled. "He's here at the villa," Rebekah continued. "If you want to talk to someone who's gone through a thousand years of having a conscience while feeding."

"He's here? I'm sure your brother will be happy about that." Caroline scoffed.

"Why is he labeled as my brother now and not your lover?" Rebekah teased, laughing at the embarrassed look that flitted across Caroline's face.

"Whatever. I'm going to shower, that plane ride was just terrible." Caroline huffed and rolled off the bed, walking to the door that lead to the ensuite.

"Suit yourself. Dinner will be in an hour, so don't make me drag you down there." Rebekah called, hopping off the bed herself and exiting the room.

Caroline stepped in under the hot pelting water with a sigh, wondering just how long she could stay there rather than face whatever awaited her downstairs. Truth was, it was just so easy to be talked out of being angry with Klaus, particularly when his sister got involved. Caroline knew for certain that whatever cruel acts she had witnessed from Klaus, they were nothing compared to whatever Rebekah would have seen in the past millennium, or even experienced from him. Perhaps that was why Rebekah was eager to stick with Caroline, and even encourage her to stay with Klaus – she saw the changes that Caroline made in him and wanted it to stay that way.

Caroline hummed, shampooing her hair before closing her eyes and rinsing it off. As she ran her fingers through her hair to untangle it, she felt another set of longer, artists fingers join in her task. Her eyes flew open and she inhaled, but was slightly settled when she recognised Klaus' scent. Only slightly settled. She wasn't going to throw him out, but she was still going to keep up the act of being mad at him.

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