Chapter 12: Good Morning To You

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"Caroline," Liz had never been one for pet names, but anyone could hear the relief and happiness in her voice as she spoke to her daughter. "I would have called, but I knew you couldn't and I shouldn't. Not after I told you to run. You had bigger things to worry about. How are you? How's Tyler?"

Caroline bit her lip. "Tyler is Tyler." She sidestepped, "And I'm fine." More than fine, she thought. "How's Mystic Falls?"

"We've had a bit of trouble, but nothing we can't handle. We'd be better if you could be here." She paused, and Caroline could just imagine her mom grappling to say the words. "I'd be better if you could be here."

Caroline smiled. "I miss you too, Mom."

She sensed rather than heard Klaus lean against the doorframe, and she turned to see him watching her with soft eyes.

"Listen, Mom, I've got to run, but take care of yourself and I'll be in touch when I can, okay?"

"Sure. And Caroline?"


"Take care. Stay safe." A pause. "Love you."

Caroline swallowed against the lump starting to form in her throat. "Love you too." She hung up and sighed.

"How is your mother?" Klaus enquired politely.

"She's okay. That's the best I can hope for."

"You miss her." He noted.

Caroline looked at him through eyes that showed years of knowledge that surpassed her age. "I'll get used to it. I'll have to." She exhaled again before composing herself, thankful in a way that he left her to be strong on her own in regards to something that didn't fully involve him. "Ready to leave?"

Klaus nodded. "Its time. Lets go."

The four of them checked out and drove to the airport. Kol and Rebekah's flight wouldn't leave for another few hours, and despite the faces they put up, Caroline could tell the two Original vampires would miss their company. She wondered at how the Mikaelson family had managed to still love each other despite everything they had gone through for the last millennium, but she supposed that perhaps that was how they had become so snarky and crazy and still loving.

Rebekah had never been one for goodbyes, so she just pulled Caroline into a bone-crushing hug.

"If I don't see you sometime in the near future, I'll kidnap you, okay bitch?"

"I'm sure your brother wont mind." Caroline laughed softly, not allowing Rebekah to see her smile when she eventually pulled away.

"Don't forget to use the power of the underwear." Rebekah said with a sly smile.

"When did this happen and how come I wasn't invited?" Kol interrupted, and Klaus whacked him across the back of the head.

Caroline rolled her eyes but still pulled Kol in for a hug. Naturally he made use of it to irritate Klaus, but she could tell Kol appreciated the gesture for more than the ammunition it gave him against his brother. When she pulled away to see the siblings eyeing each other, tossing up whether to be snarky or say a proper goodbye, she decided to make it easier.

"I'll be over in the book shop."

Klaus gave her a quizzical look, knowing that she had started routinely stealing his books.

"Travel books." Caroline nodded sternly at him. "Don't think I've forgotten the promise that I could choose and organise somewhere to go."

Kol smirked. "My brother actually allowing someone else to have control? What have you done, Caroline?"

Klaus clenched his jaw, and Caroline shook her head, but it was with a hint of fondness.

"Stay out of trouble, you two. See you later." She smiled and walked off.

Klaus watched her leave, ignoring the sinking feeling in his heart. He didn't like seeing her walk away from him, but at least he knew that she wanted to be here now. She wanted to be here with him. Smiling slightly, he turned back to his siblings, only to find them smiling at him.

What random looking-glass alternate reality had he fallen into?

"I like her, Nik." Kol said. "If it doesn't work out, I call dibs. Hope you understand."

"You lay so much as a finger on her in that manner and I will break every bone in your body. Slowly."

"Much as I love to hear you two get violent," Rebekah interrupted sarcastically. "Niklaus has a plane to catch."

Kol and Klaus eyed each other warily before clasping one another in a wary, quick hug.

"Take care, brother."

"You too. And I'll take care of Rebekah."

"Hey, I'm not a baby, you know." Rebekah huffed, and the two brothers chuckled. Klaus turned to Rebekah and raised his eyebrows. She looked back at him with a strangely honest expression.

"Somehow I get the feeling I wont be seeing you for a long time unless I do something." Rebekah said in one of her rare moments of sincerity.

"One week, little sister." Klaus promised. "You'll see us in one week at the villa."

"I'll hold you to that. Don't make us hunt you down again, Nik." She smiled, hugging him briefly. Klaus had never been known for much contact. "Keep in touch when you're not too busy shagging Caroline."

Klaus smirked, slightly proud of the fact that he was getting closer to Caroline, to the point that they could be intimate that way. His need for her had been growing past the point of being a mere conquest, and while that startled and scared him, he was happy. He tutted to himself at the thought of the mere word 'happy', and, with one last glance to his family, went to find Caroline in the book shop.

They had a plane to catch.

SunlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora