Chapter 9: Oh Vienna Part 2

Start from the beginning

Rebekah strolled out in a black camisole set that covered everything but showcased her legs in a way that made Caroline simultaneously self-conscious and envious. Old habits died hard: she was in competition with this girl without even knowing what the prize could possibly be.

"Well, then, who were you talking about?" Rebekah asked as she twitched the hem, fidgeting in the mirror.

"I don't know, maybe...a certain human? Matt, perhaps?"

Rebekah froze, and Caroline searched her face, curious.

"I think you need to stop matchmaking, Caroline. Its not an attractive trait." She snapped, strutting back into the change room and flinging the curtain across, blocking the baby vampire off.

"Matt was in the car with Elena when it crashed anyway. He's fine, he got away mostly uninjured, but I don't think he would leave Elena. Just like all the men of Mystic Falls." Rebekah's voice floated out with a hint of dismay and jealousy, and Caroline exhaled. Matt and Elena were friends, but that didn't stop lingering feelings. But she had hope, remembering how Matt was around her, how he had smiled like he used to with Elena, only it was more mature, realistically joyful. They could work together.

"Have you seen him since?"


"Then maybe you shouldn't give up hope."

Rebekah remerged in a corset that she simply didn't need due to her waist and bust, and Caroline sighed when she saw the girls unmoved face.

"Or maybe we should just give up on men together. I'm sure there's some sort of convent somewhere in Europe."

Rebekah grimaced. "Eternity is a long time to obstain, Caro." She said in a monotone, but sneaked in a cheeky smile when Caroline giggled.

"Maybe we should go on a sex binge in Paris, then."

"Italian men are much better. And their blood tastes like good wine."

Caroline bit her lip and looked down, and Rebekah sighed. "We need to feed, poppet. It's not right to just feed on bunnies. What happens if you accidentally snack on the Easter Rabbit or whatever it is children go crazy for nowadays?"

Caroline smiled weakly, reminded of Stefan from the way Rebekah spoke. But even so...

"Its not right."


"Damon used me as a blood bag sex toy. Forgive me for feeling a little against the idea of doing it to someone else." Caroline snapped, and Rebekah paused, not knowing how to even comfort her. It had been a while since she had been the confidant in a friendly relationship. She thought it best to try the reality tactic.

"Well that was crass of him. But not everything has to be that way. You can feed, heal, compel, move on."

"It just doesn't seem right."

Rebekah sensed Caroline's stubbornness, and she retreated. "Fine. Have it your way. But you're missing out on some of the finer points of vampirism."

She went back to change, and Caroline bit back every retort that came to mind, because truthfully she had entertained the idea once or twice. Surely it wouldn't hurt for her to feed properly...blood called to her constantly...but no. It would be wrong. It was wrong.

But that didn't mean that she shouldn't accept it in other people. It was a lifestyle choice. And so long as Rebekah wasn't killing anyone, or at least as long as Caroline could persuade her to not drain people, she could deal with it. Potentially.

When Rebekah left the change room and went to pay, Caroline followed her wordlessly, giving her a quick backwards hug at the register. The icy blonde didn't acknowledge it, but she did have a small smile on her face as they walked back to the Hotel Imperial.

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