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When the show'll started it, we have a little problem. Zeb and Kanan brought big cargo for something important but we have to quiet it before someone knew about our plan.

Kanan : Zeb, you should bring this way* He pushed to Ghost ship*

Zeb : No Kanan, Hera said we should bring that way *He pointed to the stage*

Me : You two, stop arguing. I think Hera meant is we should bring this way *I pointed to another cargo*

Zeb rolled his eyes as Kanan took breath "Fine." They said at the same time. When we brought to another side, we were hearing Ezra call "Locita, the show is going to start !" Oh no ! I said to myself.

Me : I'm coming ! *I pointed to Zeb and Kanan as I gave them a sign*

After I left, Zeb and Kanan back to argue again. On the stage, Ezra was already waiting for me. "Where have you been ? Audience already waited for you." I apologized to him "Sorry Ezra, I have a difficult situation but everything is under control."

I thought everything is working good but sunddenly, we heard Zeb and Kanan arguing again. "No Kanan, you should put this way !" Zeb said then Kanan said "No, I think we should put that way." I rolled my eyes as I grunts "I thought I was finishing it."

Me : *I put my hand on Ezra's shoulder* I'll be back.

I ran to finished the difficult situation as I heard Ezra taking my place "This situation is more boring than I thought. Well, we'll back on HOPE."

*Audience claps*


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