3. The new guy

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Trevor P.O.V
I was on my way to the new school I was starting at. I moved here in the summer from Boston. I had already got to know some other guys at the school I was starting at. But other than that I knew nobody.

I had hung out a lot with Miles, he has black hair, piercing blue eyes and light brown skin.
Miles: sooo, you ready for first day of school?
Trevor: yeah I guess, you?
We walked inside the school and everybody looked at us for a second, but then started talking regularly again
I saw a beautiful blonde girl still looking at me, she was so pretty. Her blue eyes were captivating and her hair was a dirty blonde color.
Miles: nah man I'm not ready for school, bitches be crazy
I laughed and rolled my eyes smiling at him
Trevor: right? Hahah
Miles laughs
Trevor: what about her? I said and look the cute girl in her eyes and smiled at her as we walked by
Miles: ohhh she fine... but she white
Trevor: Yeah, and...
Miles: Mean... Im not judging u* he checks her out, and looks her up and down while having a cheeky grin* ohhhhh i'd hit that
I puntch his shoulder, Trevor: I said it first! She's mine bro.
We chuckle and walk up to our lockers and open them taking out our books
I look at her talking with some other girls and I notice i have a small smile on my face, I can't pull my eyes away from her she is just so beautiful
*Miles stands beside me and nudges me with his shoulder*
Miles: I was just joking man, hahah you are obviously in love with her
I look at him with an annoyed face
He laughs and we walk to our classroom
*the bell rings*

Unfortunately the girl was not in this class and it was a therefore a really, really boring basic math class and felt like it lasted for ages
The rest of the classes before lunch I didn't see the girl anywhere, but they went by pretty quickly.
I walked into the canteen with Miles, Lucas, (a guy I'm also good friends with)and a guy named Alex and his girlfriend Mia.
Lucas lived basically next door to me and he introduced me to Miles, and some other of his friends. We instantly became best friends and hung out quite a lot.
Lucas had dirty blonde hair, brown eyes and he played football for the schools team.
Lucas: Can't you start playing for our football team, Trev?
Trevor: okay sure? Why? *I said confused*
Lucas: didn't you say you played in Boston
Trevor: yeah
Lucas: Didn't you listen? * I guess I didn't hear him I was too busy searching the room for the cute girl* We need you on the team, aspecially since Alex dropped out of the team last week!
He looked annoyed at Alex making out with his girlfriend, Mia.
Trevor: Yeah i'll start, i smiled a little and then continued looking for the girl
Lucas: What are you looking for? He said to me while we all sat down and started eating and talking
Trevor: nothing, I answered and started eating my cereal

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