[08]: Motel Night [m]

Start from the beginning

     I still remember the day that I first met Yuu, I found him hiding among the fence;

The fence surrounded the Robot Civilization to protect us from the Badlands. Although, one of the tall fences that was beside the middle school, had a hole.

    A small, little hole where some of the more rebellious kids would go to take a peak of the Badlands. I was walking home from school that day when I saw a head of black hair, peaking through it. It looked like he saw something, because he jumped back with a shriek, falling to the ground.

    "Are you okay?" I asked the boy as I gave him a hand up. He was beaten half to death, I couldn't even see one of his eyes because it was too swollen from the bruise around it. He looked at me with wide eyes before he backed away with a inhumane growl, as if he was threatening me yet scared of me at the same time.

    A knife that was drenched with human blood was in his hand, and the pungent smell made me feel sick to my stomach. The boy didn't say any other words then, "Cataha... Cataha..." Repeatedly as his grip on the knife tightened.

    I was about to run away, because I thought he was going to kill me. But, I was stopped by his grip on my wrist as his eyes changed from evil to sad, tears consuming them.

    I've never seen anybody cry before and I finally knew what it felt like because I wanted to cry at the sight, the boy looked so utterly ruined. Then, he finally said something that I could understand in the raspiest, most terrified voice, "Please help me."

   I shook out of my thoughts, a shudder running through my body at the remembrance. Our friendship was never a normal one, because Yuu always needed me by his side or else he would go crazy and go on a murder rampage.

    He told me that I was magic to him because he could always control himself around me. He always needed to be cuddled and comforted every night for an entire year because he would be so scarred from his past.

     We were inseparable after that day. He loved me and I loved him back because he would always help me no matter how challenging of a situation I was in because he was so courageous. He always had my back as well.

I stared at his head of hair from the backseat behind him, as he laughed at something Shindo said. I was whipped, but he didn't know that. It was pretty obvious how in love with me he was, though. I would always figure these things out, I've always thought that I'd be a great detective some day.

I was jealous of how well Shindo and Yuu could get along since they were both so damn similar. Everyone always thinks I'm soft and innocent because of the way I look and because I cry really easily, but I was just as hard-headed as a mafia boss on the inside.

Shindo never looked at me as if I was on his level. He looked at me like I was a stray, beaten-up cat. I even heard him tell Yuu that I wasn't going to make it here in the Badlands, and that fired me up.

    I reached into the bag of weapons and fiddled with a gun, having the urge to hurt Shindo, but I overcame it. The idea was just my anger talking, and besides I was curious as to why Shindo liked Yuu so much. I was going to find out why when I could scrape enough information out of him.

When we arrived at the Motel, Shindo wanted to share a room with Yuu, but Yuu declined and said that he wanted to share a room with me. Which made me happy, because I've always felt safe with Yuu despite him being 'Full of demons'.

    He took a shower before me, and then I did as well. We were finally in a proper room, alone together.... We were always dreaming about the moment this would happen, since we couldn't do it in the Robot Civilization because cameras were everywhere.

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