3rd August, 1873

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3rd August, 1873
My name is Evie, I'm 23 years old and this is NOT a love story. Most diaries follow the story of someone who is either in love, falling in love, or heartbroken. But let me assure you, this is NOT one of those. Most people have dreamt about meeting and marrying the love of their life since they were young, but I never did. Most people spend their days out and about looking for their spouse or possible soulmate, but I never have. I've never had any interest in love whatsoever, as I have more important plans for my life. I'm going to run my own boutique for women, one that can give them the courage and strength they need to be able to stand up to the men that rule today's society, and I am well and truely on my way to that.

I own a little clothing store in the corner of one of the busiest streets in London. So far, it has been a huge success. I get roughly around 530 costumers a day, and make around £2, which I give a quarter of to my dear friend Margaret, who works at the store. Of course, she only gets a quarter because she works for me, not with me. I've had a great variety of customers come into my store, from the greedy wives of the upper class men, to the poorest of the unfortunate female workers. But they all admire my work, effort and strength. Their jaws always drop when they hear that I found success without any man to guide me. Most of them don't even believe me, but I guess that's just the world we live in... But anyway, that's the introduction to my story, the one you're hopefully going to keep reading about in the next couple of entries. Please do though, I'd love you to hear all about my story.

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