Chapter 1 - Chemistry

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      Beep beep beep
My alarm went off as I groaned and rolled over.
6:00 am
   I reluctantly crawled out of bed and started to get ready for school. First day of senior year, I can do this. Just be cool, calm and confident.
    After I was finished getting ready, I headed downstairs to see my parents at the table eating breakfast.
"Good morning Y/N! Ready for school?" my dad exclaimed.
I just smiled and nodded slightly in response. I walked into the kitchen to get a banana to eat on the way to school.
"Y/N, sweetie, don't forget to take your meds!" reminded my mom.
"I took them!" I yelled back as I walked through the front door.

Time skip brought to you by Evan Hansen's water bottle

    I stepped into the hallways of the school. It is just how I remembered; hot, crowded and noisy. I peered down at my schedule, shaking in my hands. Period 1: Chemistry.
   I started to make my way to the class when a wave of panic washed over me. So many people. So little space. Too much pressure. My heart started racing as my breath became faster. Breathe Y/N. It's okay. Calm down. My breath went back to normal as I calmed down.

   I finally found the chemistry room. I walked in and took a seat in the middle, near the windows. The bell rang and my teacher, Mr. Trapp, took role call.

"James Adams." "Here."
"Ricky Chiton." "Present."
"Evan Hansen." "Um, hi, th-that's me."
  I turned to the boy known as Evan Hansen. I took an immediate interest in him. He had dark blonde hair that was combed up and bright blue eyes that seemed to sparkle.

  We suddenly made eye contact. I instantly looked down at my desk, a light dusting of pink spreading on my cheeks. I glanced at him again and saw he was blushing too.

That's how it all began.

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