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  He was born with dark red eyes. His parents were both relatively common green-eyes. Meaning he had grown up learning how to be quite humorous in certain situations due to his parents, whilst adding his own dirty or dark twist onto his jokes.

His parents loved him so much that he was a more than a bit spoiled, compared to most kids he knew. Believing he could get everything and do anything he wanted in this world. Whenever he got too out of hand however, his dark brown-eyed best friend Evan would always pull him out of trouble.

However, along with that he would pull his friend into trouble every once in awhile. Leading him to having to sneak around in Evans life after being forbid from talking to the boy.

He'd always thought of himself as the dominant in any and all relationships. He knew he would never be with a blue, and the chances of meeting a red whose eyes were darker than his were very unlikely.

Craig grew up with the popular belief that blues were disgusting and could turn a man insane if you get too close. However, not many grew up with this belief. The belief that they weren't human. He never doubted his parents on that. That was the one thing he listened to when it came from their mouths.

If he met a blue he knew what to do. Call the police. Perhaps run the other way. That was that. No looking back. No getting curious about them, there wasn't time to inspect them when they were so dangerous to the human society.

A part of him wondered what a blue would be like. But he understood that if he knew  his parents would have some way of finding out he talked to one. There would be consequences.

Just like his best friend, he had his whole life planned out in a small outline. He would grow up happily and without struggle or sadness, perhaps get a small job somewhere in the city, maybe marry if he finds someone he truly loves, then have kids with them. Boom. That was it. That was his plan.

He always dreamed of the perfect one for him, even though he would never dare to admit his true thoughts. He always imagined a green eyed would always make him laugh because he simply hears their beautiful life, or a brown eyed would make his heart beat by just looking up at him.

He always thought of someone shorter than him. Only taller if it was really worth it. If he really loved them. How could he be the dominant of his lover was 10ft tall whilst he was well under that.

No matter what though, his blue eyed rule would not change for anyone. Not even the purest of them. He knew what they were... or at least had an idea of the destruction they could end up causing.

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