Chapter 12

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Lizas pov:

Monday morning, and I'm actually excited. Probably because this is the first time I'll get to see David in two days. Not that I can actually talk to him but atleast i can admire him from a distance. Even thought I've argued with my parents if we told them about me and David they would disown me and so would David's parents. I miss him so much this weekends not been the same without him. His lips, his eyes, his hair, his touch, his warmth , his smile and his kisses. He's the only reason I'm going to school this week.
Gabbie drives us to school and turns to me before we get out.
Gabbie: I thought I should tell you that me and Zane are going public today
Liza: you are?! How you gonna do it?
Gabbie: wait and see
Liza: ooh mysterious
She rolls her eyes and we climb out the car. We walk over to the group of girls and Scott, Todd and Zane are stood there. My face brightens when I see David stood behind them leaning against he wall on his phone.
Gabbie: ready?
She whispers to me with a smile. As we reach them they all turn their heads to say hi.
Zane: baby!
He shouts, we all brush it off as usual until they wrap their arms around eachother and kiss right infront of us.
Scott: damn!
Erin: knew it!
Heath runs over seeing the kiss.
Heath: yeah baby!
I laugh at their reactions and say hi to the girls.
Gabbie pulls away from Zane and the boys and Carly and erin start to ask questions.
David: Gabrielle Hanna, I'm your bestfriend and you didn't tell me
He says a fake hurt look on his face
Corinna: so are you dating?
Gabbie: could you not tell?
The bell rang and we all headed to our first class.
Timelapse lunch:
I walked out and saw that the girls were sat on our old table instead of with the boys and I felt sad that I wouldn't get to see David.
Liza: how come we aren't sat with the boys?
Kristen: there wouldn't be enough room for all of us and me Gabbie and Corinna aren't going to leave you
Carly: thanks for thinking about us
Lunch dragged on without David and so did afternoon classes.
End of school:

I walked outside and saw Gabbie and Zane kissing by the gate. I noticed Kristens ombré hair and was about to walk towards her but I saw she was with Scott. Carly and Erin came up behind me and I breathed a sigh of relief
Liza: I thought I was gonna have to be a third wheel
Erin: aren't you glad we're here
Carly: we really need boyfriends
We nodded with her and tried to find corinna who ended up with Todd.
Gabbie: liza! D-
She ran over to us an excited look on her face but it dropped when she saw Carly and Erin.
Liza: what's wrong?
Gabbie: I um I need to talk to you
I looked at her with the confusion as she pulled me away.
Gabbie: David's looking for you
Liza: where is he?
Gabbie: he was in the parking lot
I speed walked over to the parking lot only to see his car driving away.
Liza: shit!
??: you alright?
I turn around and see Brennen
Liza: Um yeah, I was just hoping someone would be here but they're not
Brennen: well I'm here
Liza: great
I say with a little sarcasm in my voice
Brennen: I was about to go to Starbucks if you wanna come with?
Liza: thanks for the offer but I have to get back to Carly otherwise she's gonna end up being a third wheel
I make up that excuse as quick as possible and try to walk away.
Brennen: wait!
He grabs on to my hand, I stare at him hoping he'll let go
Brennen: she has Erin
Liza: I still need to get back sorry see you in class?
His grip on my hand loosens and I'm about to pull away when it suddenly tightens again.
I hear Gabbie shout my name behind me and I breathe a sigh of relief as he quickly drops my hand.
Liza: uh bye
I basically run back to Gabbie who's with Zane Scott and Kristen.
Gabbie: what was going on just then?
Liza: Brennen invited me out and he grabbed my hand and when I tried to leave he just tightened his grip but it's fine
Gabbie: you're sure?
Liza: I'm sure
Gabbie: did you find...
Liza: no he left
We say quietly to eachother
Gabbie: me and Zane are going on a date tonight so do you want me to drop you back at mine?
Liza: please
Gabbie: yeah I need to change clothes anyway
She drives me back to hers and gets changed into a nicer outfit and her and Zane head out. As soon as I hear the door close behind them my head falls into my hands and I take a deep breath trying to hold back tears. I'm going through the worst time and I can't even be with the person I love the most.
I pick up my phone and see no notifications I think my parents have realised that I just need some time away to calm down a bit, which I do.
David's name appears on my screen and a smile lands on my lips but it soon fades when I read the text.
Dd❤️: an old family friends come to visit us and he's staying in my room so I can't see you tonight, I'm so sorry Babe I miss you so much Xx
Me: it's fine I miss you too, I love you Xx
Dd❤️: I love you too Xx
I smile a little as I see the message and just scroll through my feed. I make myself so pasta for dinner and fall asleep to Netflix playing on gabbies tv.
I'm woken up by the sound of gabbies heels clicking along the floors, I soon feel the bed sink down behind me I turn my head round a little and see Gabbie sound asleep behind me.
I turn back to the window and fall back asleep.

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