Chapter 7

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David's pov:
It's lunch I still haven't gotten the chance to talk to Liza I sit at our usual table and Scott walks over but he is with Kristen, I look at the rest of the guys confused
But then Zane sits down Gabbie following behind the Todd sits beside them hand in hand with Corinna.
I look up and see Liza stood behind the three couples a scared look on her face, the only seat left was beside me, she slowly comes over and sits down shaking slightly. Everybody watches her and they look at both of us, not arguing, no expressions just nothing.
Gabbie: li-
Liza: it's fine gabs
She looks down slightly everyone quietly go back to there conversations. I rest my hand on lizas thigh and we gently squeeze she looks up at me a sweet smile grew on her lips and I couldn't help but smile back.
Lunch carries on me and liza are pretty silent most of the time a few of us have left to go out for lunch ,5 minutes later a girl who looks about 2 years older than us comes storming over
??: Liza Koshy!
Liza: I'm sorry, who are you?
The girl grabs Liza by her arm and pulls her to her feet
All of the guys stand up and just stare at the girls waiting to step in.
??: you're coming with me
Liza: no I'm not!
She yanks her arm away from the girls grasp. The girl grabs her arm again
Todd and Scott step forwards and push the girl away from Liza slightly
Toddy: she said no
Scott: leave her alone
The girl gives them a disgusted look and me and Zane start to walk towards them
??: liza! Let's go! Oh and look at that the Dobrik is here
Liza: why do you care?!
??: Rachel told me about you two
Liza: huh!
??: I'm Rachel's bestfriend she told me to keep you away from this Dobrik kid I come out and you're sat right next to him, did you forget what his family did?
Liza starts to stutter looking back at me
David: I'll just go
I start to walk away
Liza: no David you don't have to, look who ever you are I'm not going anywhere and neither is he just because our families can't be civil doesn't mean we can't
I just stand and wait for the girls reply
??: ugh fine! I'm telling Rachel though
And she storms off leaving the rest of us in silence.
Gabbie: li-
Liza: let's not talk about it, can we just go back to our lunch
We all slowly sit back down but I sit opposite Liza instead of beside her.
Liza: thanks
She looks at me and smiles slightly, the rest of our friends get quiet and turn to look at us slowly stopping their conversation.
David: for what?
Liza: what you did to the douche that slapped my ass
David: oh, don't worry about it
Liza: you shouldn't have done it though
David: he deserved it
Liza: you could've gotten hurt
We stop and look at our friends watching us. The bell rings just in time and we both jump to our feet and head for class.

Lizas pov:
School just ended and I'm waiting for Gabbie outside of school but David is one o the first out. My face brightens up as I see him walk out the doors. He walks straight towards me a small smile on his face
David: who you waiting for?
Liza: Gabbie, but I think her and Zane are probably making out some where
David: come on
I look at him confused as he takes my hand and we go round behind the brick wall
Liza: what are you going to kill me?
He laughs and leans in to kiss me I kiss back.
He deepens the kiss pulling me towards him his hand wrapped around my waist and mine around his neck. I smile and we pull away
David: sorry I've just wanted to do that all day but I never got the chance
Liza: its fine
My head falls into his chest and my face is beaming as I listen to his heart beat
Liza: why do we have to hide like this
I look up at him and stare at his eyes
Liza: it's not fair
David: I know, but it's not like either of us can fix what our families have done
Liza: come on let's get back out there otherwise gabbies gonna start looking for me
He loosens hi grip on my waist and drops his hands. We slowly come out form our hiding spot and walk over to the group of our friends
Zane: where did you two come from?
David: same place as you Zane, school
I look at Gabbie smiling
Liza: uh gabs? Your um your lipstick is smudged
I try and hold back a laugh as she blushes and rubs her lips
Gabbie: come on let's go to my house
Liza: okay, bye guys!
All: bye Liza, bye Gabbie!
We walk out the school gates.
Liza: so I really liked that lipstick Zane had on after school it looked cute on him
I said smirking as we walked
Gabbie: I picked the wrong day to wear lipstick
Liza: yeah you did
We both laugh and climb into her car.

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