Chapter 19

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Lizas pov:
Friday morning( it was Tuesday last chapter btw)
Rachel and mason have been together for a few weeks now ,mason is David's cousin meaning he's part of the feud too.and no I haven't told her about me and David because right now there is no me and David. No we didn't break up I just haven't spoken to him in a while, I think I just need time a break.
Gabbie: come on we're going to mine
Liza: we are?
Gabbie: yeah I wanna hang out
Liza: sure
She quickly talks to Zane and we drive away in her car.
I sit myself on her sofa and we start to talk when there's a knock at her door.
Liza: you expecting someone
Gabbie: yes I am
She opens it to reveal Zane, Scott and David.
I make eye contact with him and his eyes widen.
David: nope
He turns to walk away but Scott pulls him back into the door.
Liza: Gabbie!
Zane: this was my idea, both of you sit
Scott pushes David onto the other end of the sofa and I hesitantly sit back down.
Zane: we can't live with you two being like this around eachother, you're driving eachother mad
Zane: we all know that you two love eachother and you're not leaving until you've talked
I turn my head to the side and stare at the wall trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.
David: you don't think I've tried to talk to her
It hurts to hear his voice again, it feels like it's been so long since ive heard it.
Zane: we're gonna go sit in the other room so our can talk privately but we will be checking in
They walk out and a few minutes of silence pass by.
David: Liza...
My head slowly turns and our eyes meet. He starts to shuffle closer to me until we're side by side. I sit up straight and look at him.
Liza: let's talk
It's heart breaking to see him like this he really has gone mad, the bright look in his eyes has faded.
His face edges closer to mine and I don't realise that I'm moving closer too. Our lips brush against eachother and I miss it so much. He pushes his lips towards mine and I kiss back desperately. I pull away and he tries to reconnect our lips but I won't.
Liza: David... this won't fix things
His head falls and I hate to see how upset he is but he hurt me. He sits back up straight.
Liza: why?
His head turns back to look at me.
David: why what?
Liza: why did you say those things about my grandfather?
David: I don't want to talk about it if it'll upset you again
Liza: no i want to know
David: do you not know already? Do your even know how this whole feud started?
Liza: of course, you're grandparents owed mine money and didn't pay it
David: but they did and that's how it started
Liza: but they didn't why would my grandfather lie
David: like I said he just wanted money
Liza: David...
David: just hear me out please, when my grandfather paid it back yours claimed that we hadn't and he harassed them over and over to make them pay up but we were broke because we had already paid. My dad was young at the time and he threatened my dads life. The constant harassment drove my grandfather to suicide and then my grandmother went mad without him. Leaving my dad an orphan.
Liza: David I'm sorry I had no idea
David: why would they tell you
He keeps his head hung low and I wrap my arms around him
Liza: I should've listened before, I can't believe I've ignored you all these days when it's my family that hurt yours
David: so you believe my family
Liza: why wouldn't I, if they claim they paid it and you believe them then so do i
He presses our lips together and i pull myself  onto his lap. We made up for all the kisses we've missed this week.
Gabbie: have yo- oh okay
We pull away from eachother to look at her walk in.
Gabbie: I'll go back for a few more minutes then
I give her a smile as she walks back out of the room.
David: I've missed you
I press my forehead against his and smile
Liza: I missed you too
He pecks my lips once more and I slide off of his lap. He takes my hand in his and gently squeezes it.
David: you can come in now
Their heads poke around the door frame and they walk in the room.
Zane: all sorted?
Liza: yep thanks for the help Zane
Zane: anytime
Gabbie: liza do yo-
Liza: sorry Gabbie but me and David have somewhere we need to be
David: what?
I pull him up from the sofa grab our school bags and walk out to his car.
David: where are we going?
Liza: The cliffs
David: it's only 6
Liza: so what?
We slide into his car and he drives us to the cliffs.
Liza: we can watch the sunset
I say as I close his car door. I walk up to the railing and I can feel him beside me. His arm hooks around my waist and I nuzzle into him.
Liza: it's been a while since we've come here
David: I thi-
We both spin round to the sound of a car on gravel, the lights blind us so we can't see who's car it is.
David: shit
I feel his hand lace with with mine and he starts to gently squeeze it.
Liza: Rachel?
Rachel: Liza? And da-
Mason: David?
I feel his hand unclasp from mine.
Liza: Rachel what are you doing here?
Rachel: asking you the same thing, why didn't you tell me
Mason: David dude you should've told me too
David: I'm so confused right now, are we just forgetting the giant feud right now
Liza: I wanted to tell you before, but we weren't exactly talking
David: wait so them two...
Liza: they're like us bubs
Liza: why are you in our spot?
Rachel: how was I supposed to know I didn't know you were even with him
Liza: i guess
They walk towards us until we're opposite eachother.
Rachel: how longs this been going on
Liza: a little over a month now
Rachel: how have you been seeing eachother?
Liza: I've been sneaking out at night
Rachel: if you'd told me I would've helped
Liza: well when I found out about you and mason me and David were having a... problem
Rachel: oh okay
Mason: babe I think we should leave them two, they said it's their spot
Rachel: fine, let's go to the fountain
The both climb back into the car and wave us goodbye before driving away.
David: what just happened? Mason and Rachel?
Liza: it's only been going on for a couple weeks but I found out the beginning of this week
David: and you didn't tell me?!
Liza: like i said we were in the middle of our problem
David: oh
Liza: I have an idea it might not be the best but it's an idea
David: what is it?
Liza: come to my grandads house with me
David: how does hat sound like a good idea to you?
Liza: come on it was just gonna be Rachel and I but if you came it would be a great way for you to talk to her
David: in your grandfathers house?
Liza: yes we have to sort through somethings he left behind
I can see him thinking about it until his face softens.
David: sure, as long as I get to spend more time with you it'll be fine
I place my lips on his and pull back with a soft smile.
Liza: thank you
David: I should get home before my parents realise I'm not there
Liza: okay thanks again
David: for what
Liza: just being you
He grins at me and kisses my forehead.
David: I'll take you home first
Liza: I don't want you to be late
David: you don't live far from me
I climb into his car and he drives me to the top of my road.
David: I love you L
Liza: I love you too bubba
I walk out the car and hurry up towards my house.
Ldad: you're late back
Liza: sorry me and corinna got food after school
Lmom: are you not hungry then?
Liza: I could eat
I sit at the dinner table and my mom serves me the food. 
Lmom: your grandfathers funeral is next week on Saturday
That's mine and David's anniversary.
Liza: am I going
Ldad: of course and we would like you to say a few words
Liza: of course

David and LizaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin