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Mike heard the familiar jingling of keys, and the familiar turning of the door handle. Sure enough, Doll waltzed through the doorway.

Mike turned away from the TV, relaxing in an armchair. "Hey, baby. Home already?"

"Yep... Boss let me off early." 

Doll threw her keys on to the cocktail table and stepped next to Mike and leaned over the arm of the chair to peck him on the lips. "Speaking of which..."

Mike rolled his eyes and tried to suppress a smile. 

"...when are you going to get a job?" Doll was smiling too, now.

"As a matter of fact,--" Mike stood suddenly, causing Doll take a few steps back and do the same. "--I'll be getting one tomorrow." He didn't bother stopping a proud smile from spreading to his lips.

Doll feigned a look of surprise. "Wow, I never thought I would see the day."

Mike strode to the kitchen. Doll followed. "Found an ad in the paper today," he said, grabbing said paper from kitchen table.

"And you already know you got the job? You went to an interview?" Doll persisted.

Mike stopped suddenly. "Well..." he turned. "No. But I will! Tomorrow, like I said."

"You sound awfully confident." Doll smirked, supporting herself with an elbow leaning against the fridge.

"Because I am!" Mike thrust the newspaper in to her hands. He pointed to a passage circled in red marker. "There's the ad."

Doll's smile instantly evaporated. 

"...Freddy Fazbear's?"

Mike was suddenly tense. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Don't start again with this, Doll."

"I'm not!" Doll defended. "You just..."

"What? I just what?" Mike attacked.

"You need to let your niece go, Michael! It's been--"

"It doesn't matter how long it's been, Dolly! I want to get to the bottom of this! She can't have died in vain!"

"Mike, I know this is a sensitive subject for you--"

"Funny, you tell me to get over my niece, but when I move on from my parents you tell me I need to mourn more..." Mike mumbled under his breath. 

Doll threw the newspaper back on to the table. "You didn't 'move on,' or however you want to put it, Michael! You  didn't care!"

---Spread Love {FNaF Night Guards x Reader} [BOY]---Where stories live. Discover now