Ahkmenrah~My goddess

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Plot: A new exhibition arrives, with a new wax figure resembling a Norse (Skandinavian) goddess.

Requested by: my-last-resort

Word Count: 416

"The new exhibition will be here soon. I heard it was about Norse myths. You should read books about that right dad?"

"I've already did. I don't want to be unprepared. We should inform the others about the new exhibition as well."

"Sure thing, I go and tell Ahk, you handle Octavius and Jed."

Before Lerry was able to protest his son sprinted away in the direction of the Egyption exhibit.


You took in a deep breath, hitting your fists against the box they put you in.

"Help!" You shouted, after several minutes of attempting to break out of your wooden cage.

You wondered how a goddess such as yourself wasn't able to free themselves.

The rescue came sooner than you expected, as they opened up the box you fell forward.

Fortunately strong hands caught you before you hit the floor.

"Thank you, mortal." You looked up to the eyes of the man who held you.

He was dressed in gold coloured materials, he looked like some kind of ruler.

"I am no mortal. I am a descendant of Ra. My name is Ahkmenrah."

"You are a god then just like me?"

As shocked as you were you forgot to get out of his hold, however he didn't seem displeased by this.

A man clad in blue colours cleared his throat, at which you broke away from Ahkmenrah.

"My name is Lerry, and I am afraid to say that you are not..khm...a goddess just a replica of her a wax figure."

"How dare you insult me! The goddess of chaos!"

"I-I didn't mean to insult you Miss I just wished to inform you-"

"I know, I was just teasing you. I sensed the truth in your words. As much as it saddens me to be a mere sculpture of wax I am pleased to know that I am surrounded by honest men."

"Now, I believe a tour around this new home of mine would be appreciated."

"I gladly show you around..."

"My name is Y/N." You smiled at him gently.

"Such a beautiful name it suits you."

Your smile brightened at Ahkmerah's compliment.

"Your exhibition is going to be held right next to mine."

He outstreched one of his hands and you took it, walking away with him listening to all the tales he had.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this. 😚😃😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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