getting lost in the stars in your eyes

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constellations // first date ♡

Oikawa pouted endlessly, glaring at Iwaizumi as the latter stormed on in front of him, well, he wasn't storming, but that's just the vision that Oikawa saw with his two chocolate eyes. He scrunched his face and mentally demanded that his best friend feel the glare he was aiming at him but it was futile because the ace of the volleyball team was too busy daydreaming while the two of them were on their way to their respective homes for the day.

Volleyball practise finished, they went a bit overtime this afternoon and the time on Oikawa phone lit up as he read '19:23' but he didn't mind. Yeah, his muscles felt heavy and his sweat felt pretty unpleasant on his skin but the breeze made it a little better but he just didn't mind if it was that late when he could stare up at the darkened sky and- no, the clouds were blocking his view.

He was pretty annoyed right now, Iwaizumi ignored him and walked ahead of him too, like he was in front of him in some weird, sick sense in the setters head but he only asked one thing, why couldn't Iwaizumi just give him this? He hadn't asked for that much of his friend, had he?

'Iwa-chan, spike my tosses!'

'ah~ my bad, Iwa-chan, try running a bit faster?'

'Iwa-chan! don't leave without me~!'

It wasn't that bad, except for the fact that this was only today. It wasn't Oikawa's fault though, he had to keep training - they had to all keep training, to beat that shit-orizawa and just go to nationals and dammit Oikawa had to distract himself because no matter what, it seemed that he couldn't for the life of him, stop thinking about that chibi-chan.

The one with orange hair and light brown eyes and incredible speed, Oikawa's eyes narrowed on the ground now at the thought of the short boy that made his fists clench, why couldn't he just stop thinking about him? It was pissing him off but it was all so confusing and irritating and it just brought him back to his current predicament because today's date repetitively rang through his mind like an alarm clock broken and blaring every few minutes and he just had to make sure again that he wasn't seeing things, to make sure the one on his phone wasn't actually something ridiculous like a seven and he muttered the words he read with a distasteful unpleasantness in his mouth when his tongue moved along the top of his mouth to breathe out, "the first of July.."

"Huh?" Iwaizumi turned his head halfway to glance at the boy diagonally behind him, his face softened when he noticed how Oikawa had been looking at his phone, "Oh, you're birthday's coming again..."

Oikawa brightened, shock was the first thing he felt because how did he not even remember his own birthday? It had to be because of that damn shrimp from the school of crows, he had to be pretty damn cute to be able to make Oikawa Tooru forget his own birthday, like, it was one of the days in the school year where he was absolutely lathered in gifts and compliments, by this year he didn't even have to worry about bringing lunch or money to school because he knew his fans would make something delicious for him.

But something about seeing that first year from Karasuno didn't really make him excited about the gifts and compliments he'd receive on his birthday.

'Iwa-chan, watch the stars with me on the seventh!'

The next day after school, Iwaizumi had miraculously reluctantly agreed to join Oikawa on his outing to the sports youth centre that the uncle and nephew frequently visited. The three of them had only been walking to the entrance when Oikawa paused quite suddenly, the sight before him made his stomach churn and his face morph into one of discomfort and awkwardness,

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