
"You promised you would stop being so controlling."

"You're right princess." I sigh, smiling.

"Cas. Can you let daddy and Flurry talk for a bit. Maybe go find the twins?" I ask. Cassie smiled and went out of the tent.

I look back at Flurry who looked like she was about to cry. Before I could react, she wrapped her arms around my neck and I quickly engulfed her in a hug, pulling her closer to me as she cried into me.

"It's ok princess. I'm not leaving you anymore." I say. Flurry cried harder and I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. I got her to calm down and we just sat there in silence.

"Does Johnny know?"

"Know about what princess?"

"About me being alive."

"He does. Along with everyone else in camp."

"Why can't I go outside? I mean, I'm not going to hurt anyone."

"It's not hurting them we're worried about, It's you biting them. Your sent will pick up their blood and you won't resist to bite them."

"How do you know?"

"Because of Luna. When she first became a vampire, she almost bit me."

"Of course." Flurry chuckled.

"But didn't you lose your memories of her so you didn't remember she was a vampire?"

"Well yes but we got our memories back." Luna came in the tent and Flurry and I look at her.

"I just got back from Jacob's camp. He said that Edward wants to see what would happen if Flurry didn't wait and she went outside."

"Really?" Flurry smiles.

"Is it safe?" I ask.

"Yes. I'll watch Flurry throughout the day to see if she will attack anyone. She just can't go to training or hunting with the boys."

"Why not?" Flurry asked.

"Because of the boy's blood. You're still new in the vampire life." Luna says. Flurry tucked her knees in close and rested her head on them, wrapping her wings and legs around her knees. Training was always Flurry's favorite thing. And now that she couldn't do it was sad.

"Is my life always going to be this way?" 

"No. Of course not princess."

"Flurry, this is all temporary. I promise you'll be able to hunt and train with the boys by the end of the week." Luna explained.

"I hate being different."

"Why princess?"

"Because I can't do what the other boys do. I mean, I love my life, but I sometimes want to lead my own life."

"You are leading your own life. And I can understand what you're going through." Luna says. Flurry just keeps looking down. Luna whispered something to Flurry and she smiled, nodding. 

His little devil. The third book His Love. A Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) Fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now