Off again

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She looks so peaceful sleeping on our way to the packhouse, I don't even think she realizes she's riding in a car with the alpha. I wonder what she's really running from? Tapping her shoulder she stirs a little bit but doesn't wake up."I can't go back there." She mumbles. "Those assholes won't find me here." Assholes? Man this girl has some serious skeletons in her closet...who am I kidding so do I. "Nadia wake up darlin' we're here." Jerking awake making us bump heads moaning an ow, "jeez I gotta pay attention." "Seriously it isn't enough that your lips are swollen you have to knock yourself out too?" "Shut up." She says hitting me playfully. "This is your house?"


"Wow is your family rich or something?"

"You could say that-guest rooms are through the double doors- My uh dad ran a huge family business until he died so now its up to me to take over."

"Oh...sorry to hear that." "What about your mom?"

"She had a rough time dealing with his death, that house behind mine."


"That's hers, she doesn't come out much but I visit her from time to time and I have uh workers who live with her to keep an eye out."

"That's so sad." She says sympathetically patting my arm, well really she gripped it kind of tight. "Feeling me up huh?" I tease winking down at her. She blushes her beautiful grey eyes turning away from me, I grab her chin gently so she looking at me again. I just want to kiss those perfectly plump lips right now when there's a knock at the door and I reluctantly pull away. "This better be important."

The cops aw man what did I get myself into now."

♪Nadia pov♪

"What can I do for you today officers?" You have got to be joking, they found me they freaking found me I should've never stopped running. Lifting the window ready to make my escape I get light headed as it hits me that I'm about to make a third story plummet to the ground. "He had to bring me all the way up here just great." Stripping down to my bare essentials I dangle over the edge of the window,"one,two,three." Landing with a thud I dust myself off changing into my wolf form to better sneak past the police car parked out front.

"Nadia where'd you go?" He whispers in the distance, my wolf wants to stay put but I force myself to keep moving he's done enough for me already I can't drag him into my issues.

~Angel pov~

"Yes sir have you seen this girl?" The picture officer Kyle shows me is of Nadia posing with alpha leon? Wait she's an alphas' daughter? This is perfect! We are mates and we'll be the strongest power couple out there... as soon as I tell her who I am. "Son have you seen her?" "Nope can't say that I have is she in some kind of trouble?" Just stay calm angel pretend to care. "She's gone missing her name is Nadia Lopez, her aunt wants her back." "Really now? Interesting." "Mhm but I wouldn't go back to that shedevil anyway I'm relieved that girl got away Ms. Candy ain't the kindest soul." He says in his southern drawl putting the photo back in his pocket. "Well I'll keep watch for her and report back to you if I run into her." "Thank ya son you have a good night now." Closing the door briskly walking until I reached her, it's empty! "Nadia where'd you go?"

♪Nadia pov♪

The smell of damp grass fills my nostrils, the moon my only source of light through the forest which is quite eerie at night when your alone imagination has a strange way of making you see things that aren't really there.

Like the trees branches being long arms swaying down to grab me, or the rock that has eyes, or the wolves following close behind me through a path I didn't even realize I was on. Wolves! How did it not occur to me I'm on wolf territory, I better find the alpha and quick if I'm going to survive tonight. Think girl think duh! I just ran from the pack house but I can't go back what if angel sold me out to the cops?

Running at full speed another wolf nips at my hindlegs tripping me up the next wolf who must be the alpha judging by the fact he growled at the subordinate trying to drag me down by my leg.

Like a border is blocking the pack they taper off except for the alpha who keeps nudging me to go right.

What is he thinking? Oh man he's going to kill me I should've known this place had a pack accompanying it why wouldn't it this is North Carolina. Thrown from my thoughts he stops me dead in my tracks growling holding his ground waiting for me to be submissive. Huh fat chance dude I've come to far to go backwards being under someone else's control. Baring my teeth taking a step forward trying to force him back, he doesn't budge just stares at me with a familiar wolfish version of a crooked smile.

Dark as night eyes green as a emeralds, so familiar but I just can't figure out who he is.

~Angel pov~

Everything about this girl is mysterious and interesting, I have to make her mine she is mine but I can't get close enough to her without her running off.

"Nathan we need to find a girl named Nadia Lopez." I say to my beta when he bounds through the door two chicks on his arms...why am I not surprised. "Nadia Lopez? Is she hot." "Don't even go there." I growl viciously. "This girl is my mate, drop the chicks and gather our best hunters." "Yes sir."

"Alpha she's on the move west of here if we go now we can catch her." Karina tells me, she's the runt of the pack in size but by no means is she useless she's the best hunter we've got she could track a mouse this girl.

Damn this girl is fast, the moment we advance she gets a second burst of energy leaving us in the dust. Once or twice Karina nips at her hind legs pissing me off *KARINA! Back off I want her with me unharmed.* *Sorry alpha.* *Everybody go home I can take her from here.* One at a time they depart in different directions. Turn right darling, just a little to the right. Dammit that's your left, jumping infront of her standing my ground she stops but doesn't submit like I thought she would. Instead she bares her teeth advancing on me so I'll back off. Nuh uh uh darlin' I'm the alpha not the other way around. She sits back confused but darts off before I know what's happened.

I can see this is going to be a constant thing between us.

Everything I Want (Book 1 in Twisted Fairytales Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora