"I oversee the entire country, so yeah, it is my jurisdiction." Vivian swiftly retorted. "Mine and a few others, but not for long." She sighed once she saw the hardened expression the other woman wore. "Anyway, I have been watching you...but that's not how I know you've got rug rats. I've known for a long time, probably even before you did." Her serious expression vanished after a request crossed her mind. "Can I meet 'em?"

"Get the hell out of my—." Michelle's words died in her throat once she heard the soft coos that she knew could only be produced by her own flesh and blood.

She quickly spun around, her eyes bored into the young man that held her children in each of his arms. Their thick, unruly, black hair tickled the man's skin as they struggled against his hold. The second their toothless mouths fell open, they babbled and reached for their mother.

Michelle's lips parted, for a second, her eyes softened at the sight of her children before finally narrowing and returning to its stern expression.

"I don't know what the hell's going on here, but, for your own sakes, I highly suggest you leave my children out of this. Put them down," she demanded.

Vivian's voice was soft yet firm, "That's not gonna happen."

Michelle met the young man's eyes and chuckled, "Look, kid, I don't know what it is that she wants, what it is she told you about me, but nothing has happened yet. You can walk away and you can do it now, but if you don't, I guarantee you, putting your hands on my children will be the last thing you ever do."

Vivian yanked her pistol from her back pocket and aimed the barrel at Michelle's head. "Enough threats, Michelle. We're running a bit behind schedule, so we're gonna have to wrap this up. Bring her to me."

"What the hell do you want, huh? Why are you here?" Michelle demanded.

Her lips curved into a snarl once she felt four calloused hands grip her arms and drag her towards the other woman. She looked up towards the men, their faces held no expression as they performed the task.

Michelle snapped her eyes back to the man that held her cooing children in his arms. "This is your last chance," she hissed. "Put them down or I'll fucking kill you. You understand?" Her low tone made the man fidget under her gaze, he swallowed thickly before opening his mouth to speak, however, once Vivian blocked the man's view by stepping in front of Michelle, he focused his attention on the small children that squirmed in his arms.

"Don't worry, Michelle," Vivian soothed. Michelle bored her gaze into Vivian's at the sound of her condescending tone. "We wouldn't dream of hurting the little ones." She glided towards the children and stroked each of their cheeks using her lengthy fingers. Their soft, infant skin brushed against her digits in a torturously slow manner. "No, these babies are much too precious for that." She smiled as she studied them, her eyes danced from the boy's light brown skin to his toothless grin before resting on the girl's mesmerizing complexion that matched her mother's. "I have to hand it to you Michelle, you and Lincoln are quite the baby makers. And your son, he looks exactly like him. If only he could see them," she uttered.

"You need to tell me why you're here!" Michelle snapped. She fought against the strong hands that gripped her tightly. "I did everything you asked. I helped you, you helped me. I owe you nothing, yet you travel to the other side of the country to find me. Why? I don't work for you or Versa Vice Sensus." Her eyes narrowed while her jaw tensed. "I answer to no one."

Vivian turned to face Michelle, her eyes softened as she nodded her head, "That's just it, Michelle, you're right. But, before things go down before I do what it is that I have to do, let me just tell you, it's been an honor just being in your presence. You have no idea the great things you've done for this nation and your efforts will not be forgotten. I mean, you're a loyal, tenacious, strategic, passionate, protective, and vibrant woman that get's...shit...done. And on top of it all, you're drop dead gorgeous. Even after just having twins, I mean," she chuckled, "I'm jealous and...I admire you." Her smile slowly descended while her left hand firmly gripped her sidearm. "However, your time has come."

Michelle wet her lips and looked to her babbling children, their innocent russet eyes met hers before she forced herself to meet Vivian's gaze.

"What do you want?" Michelle yelled.

"Mrs. Michelle Whitney Russel." Vivian straightened her posture and brought her right hand to her head as she performed a salute.

"Just tell me what you want!" Michelle reasoned. "We can figure this out!"

"Your services, I'm afraid...are no longer required." Vivian lifted the pistol into the air, not allowing herself to hesitate for a second longer. She immediately gave the trigger a small squeeze, instantly launching the bullet across the room.

The bullet soared through the air, not slowing down even after it pierced through the center of Michelle's skull and tore its way through her brain. The sharp missile only ceased its rapid movements once it made contact with the firm, blood splattered wall.

The men loosened their grip on Michelle's arms and allowed the woman's body to softly meet the floor. Blood pooled beneath her head and seeped into the laminate, the silence in the room was only disturbed once the twins each produced their soft cries. It was as if, even in their infancy, they understood what just happened.

Vivian tore her eyes from Michelle's whose continued to stare deeply into hers. She inhaled heavily and put her pistol away. She reached out and took the children into her arms, pulling them closer into her embrace.

"It's okay, it's okay, I know," she soothed. Vivian nodded towards the front door and followed the men as they filled out of the home. She planted a soft kiss on the top of the children's heads before carefully lifting her feet over the body that rested in the center of the floor. She held them firmly and rocked them in their arms, slowly feigning off their soft cries.

Vivian spoke softly, her voice quiet and reassuring, "This...is just the beginning."

Okay, Y'all, that was the final chapter in this book

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Okay, Y'all, that was the final chapter in this book. I can't believe it's over already. I know Y'all are probably infuriated with me for killing Michelle off and trust me, I love Michelle, she's by far one of my best-written characters, in my opinion, however, I decided on this ending a while ago and I decided to stick with it. When writing this ending, I purposely left a lot unsaid and for that reason, I'm strongly considering composing a sequel to this book. But, if I were to do this, would Y'all read it? If so, I'm unsure as to when it would be published, but if y'all want it, I'll definitely get to it. Let me know. Also, please don't forget to drop a few comments and tell me if you enjoyed the overall story or possibly if you noticed some areas that you thought could've used some improvement. I welcome constructive criticism. Thank Y'all so much for reading!

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