Love Shows, Love Grows

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"Jungkook! What did you do?!" Yoongi yells through the phone. "From what you've been telling me, it's quite obvious that you like him so why'd you let him go?!"

Jungkook huffs at his friend's tone. "I did not know. Besides," he pauses and his heart clenches again. "He was sleeping with Jimin."

"What do you mean?"

"I went to find him one night and found him asleep in Jimin's room on the same bed. I was so angry that when Jimin said that he wants to marry Seokjin, I said that I didn't care."

Jungkook lets out a long groan of frustration. "He's gone, Yoongi. He belongs to another person. Maybe it should be like that instead."

There was a few quiet seconds before Yoongi asks, "Does he really belong to another person? Because from what I know, Jimin is not Seokjin's husband yet."

"Huh?" Jungkook holds he phone closer to his ear. "Are you trying to imply something?"

"I am, as a matter of fact. You need to talk to him. Sure, you have seen him in Jimin's room but you didn't know why. And you didn't know why because you never talked about it! And if you don't talk about it, you'll live the rest of your life regretting your choice of letting your soulmate go!" Yoongi spoke too loudly.

"Talk to him? He and Jimin won't be back until next week. And-" he stops midway as he remembers, "that damn wedding is right around the corner!"

Yoongi gets what he's saying so he devises a plan and many backup plans just in case. Jungkook paid close attention because he doesn't want to mess up again.

He felt like the stupidest person on earth for realizing his feelings right after leaving Seokjin.


Jimin is asleep on Seokjin's shoulder.

They had went to meet some of Jimin's friends a few cities over to invite them personally to the wedding.

The train they're on right now makes a rhythmic sound as it trails down the tracks, taking them home.

Seokjin looks at Jimin, who is not bothered sleeping in a sitting position.

Why did he say yes if he doesn't love Jimin?

Then, he remembers Jungkook's previous words days ago.

'Jimin is the one who loves me, not him,' he thinks to himself.

Before he and Jimin left the city, Seokjin has to talk to his younger brother. Taehyung is shocked when he hears that Seokjin would be remarrying. He says that it's too fast for him to move on to a new marriage but Seokjin says that it's fine. It's still only an arranged marriage.

Plus, Seokjin fell in love with Jungkook after they got married. The same thing would probably happen to him and Jimin.

A couple hours later, the train comes to a stop. Jimin is awake by then and pulls Seokjin out with him.

They're hands are locked together but it doesn't spark anything between them.


Even when Seokjin and Jimin are back, Jungkook could not find a way to speak to his ex-husband.

Either Seokjin is always talking to someone else or someone else is talking to him. Jungkook had attempted to pull Seokjin away from everyone and take him somewhere with more privacy. That didn't work because Jimin's little hands won't let go of Seokjin for more than 5 seconds.

At first, Jungkook was calm, telling himself that a better moment will come. Days past and when that moment did NOT come, the wedding is already prepared to jump off a cliff and fall right on him. Jungkook begins to procrastinate.

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