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It was Christmas time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and the castle was most wonderfully decorated. A large, beautiful tree stood in the Great Hall, adorned with tinsel and candy canes and garlands of all four house colors. Wreaths and bows hung around the school and strings of popcorn and berries decorated the bannisters. The school seemed to be constantly glowing with a radiant light, as if thousands of little torch bugs were floating around the school. Everyone was in a most joyous mood.

That is everyone, except the victims of the most unfortunate Mistletoe. Hung around the school, were large and beautiful Mistletoes, hanging from the most bizarre places. When two students (or even a teacher) walked under a mistletoe at the same time, they became stuck. Stuck under the magical abilities of the Mistletoe. And the only way to escape, was to release yourself from the Mistletoe's power. That is, by kissing the person who you became stuck with. Many students begged for the Professors to take them down, but the Professor's denied having any knowledge that Mistletoes were hanging around the school (This specific type of Mistletoe was invisible after all, only appearing when the victims became trapped) and therefore the Mistletoes were still looming above.

Harry thought the solution quite obvious: never walk side by side to anyone you wouldn't want to kiss, and never walk through a door's threshold the same time as someone else. However, the Mistletoe wasn't just hanging in doorways and it was impossible to know where they hung.


It was Christmas Eve, most of the castle was empty as everyone had gone home to visit their families for the Holidays. Harry, however, had declined the invitation to spend Christmas at the Burrow with Hermione and Ron. This was his last year at Hogwarts and he wanted to spend as much time there as possible. Harry was currently sitting at the Gryffindor table, eating a most delicious Christmas Eve breakfast, consisting of wonderfully golden cinnamon rolls and scrambled eggs and the most delicious egg nog he had ever tasted. He was chatting aimlessly with Dean and Seamus, who had also decided to stay at Hogwarts together, when the Great Hall doors creaked open and Harry saw Draco Malfoy walk in. He was walking with Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini. As Draco sat down at the Slytherin table, he glanced up and caught Harry's eye. Harry thought he saw Draco blush slightly, but it was gone so quickly he thought he had imagined it. Not long after, Malfoy and his friends had finished eating and left the Great Hall, most likely to go and torture some poor first years who were unable to travel home for Christmas. Harry also got up, intending to go sit out by the Black Lake, which looked beautiful around Christmas Time. The water was always frozen over on top and the ice seemed to glow, as if enchanted and if you looked hard enough, you could see mermaids dancing under the water. It was Harry's favorite place in all of Hogwarts.

When Harry got to the lake and found the lone tree that he liked to sit under, he saw someone already sitting under it. He turned to go but stopped when he heard the tree's occupant call his name. "Can I help you, Potter?," sneered the voice of his life long enemy.

"Um, I was gonna sit by the lake but, you know, well, you're already here."

"Very well observed, Potter," Draco Malfoy sneered.

"Right, well I'm going to go." Harry started to walk away when he ran into an invisible wall. "What the hell?"

"Potter," Malfoy said carefully and quietly, "look."

Harry turned around and saw what Malfoy was staring at. A beautiful, green and red Mistletoe was hanging from the branches of the tree, right above the boys' heads. Harry would have thought the Mistletoe to be very pretty if it hadn't just caught him with Malfoy, the boy whom he hated.

"Bloody hell!," screamed Malfoy as he jumped up from his spot on the ground, "there's no way in hell I'm going to kiss you, Potter!"

"Well, don't think there's any way I'm going to kiss you either, Malfoy!"

"There must be some other way to get out of here," Draco thought aloud and began firing spells at the Mistletoe and walls which trapped them. This proved to be a very bad idea because all this accomplished was making the walls grow closer together, pushing the two boys closer together as well. They were now standing only inches apart.

"Great job, Malfoy! Really, what a wonderful job," Harry yelled at the other boy.

"It's not my fault, I didn't know that was going to happen!," Malfoy said defensively.

"Well, you should've guessed. We both know there's only one way to get out of this," Harry said looking up at Malfoy.

"In your dreams, Potter," Malfoy sneered.

Harry rolled his eyes and said, "I don't like this any more than you do, but I would really like it if I didn't have to spend the rest of my life standing here under this damned tree, freezing my arse off."

Draco almost laughed. "You don't have to be so dramatic about it, Potter."

Harry suddenly got an idea. He knew Malfoy would never let Harry kiss him and he wasn't going to kiss Harry... that is unless he was really mad. Harry thought that if he could make Malfoy angry enough, he would want to do anything to get back at him, even if that meant having to kiss him. It was a flawless plan, really. Harry turned to Malfoy and sneered, "Says the one who started whining like a baby and firing spells everywhere."

"Take that back."

"Or what? You going to run off to daddy and complain that mean old Harry Potter is making fun of you?" Harry paused for a second and then said, as if it suddenly dawned on him, "oh wait, you can't, because death eater daddy's in Azkaban."

Draco was seething. He stepped up and he punched Harry in the nose, hard. Blood starting pouring down Harry's face, drenching him and his robes in blood. "Don't ever speak about my father again, understand?" Draco was practically shaking. He was furious.

'Maybe not completely flawless," Harry thought. "I'm sorry, Malfoy, I didn't mean it, honest," Harry said sincerely.

"What?" asked Draco, completely startled. Harry Potter never apologizes to anyone, yet here he was apologizing to his arch enemy.

"I didn't mean any of that. I was only trying to get you to kiss me. I thought that maybe if you were angry at me, you would do something I didn't want you to do and you would kiss me," Harry said sheepishly, looking down at his feet.

Draco felt instantly bad. All Harry was trying to do was to get them out of this predicament and he had went and broke his nose. "Potter?" Draco asked just as sheepishly.


"You really are an idiot." And when Harry looked up, Draco was kissing him. He smashed his lips against Harry's, tasting the coppery, magnetic blood. Harry immediately began to kiss back and Draco ran his tongue over Harry's bottom lip, begging for entrance. Harry opened his mouth and allowed Draco to search it. Draco hungrily searched Harry's mouth, running his tongue over every part of it. Draco soon pulled away, completely breathless. Both boys were covered in blood. "Wow, that was-"

"Amazing," Harry finished and smashed his lips on Draco's again. Draco hesitated slightly, knowing full well how his father would react to him being gay. Then he remembered that his father could no longer control him and if he wanted to go and fall in love with Harry Potter, then he damn well could.

The End

I hope you all liked the story! I know it's no where near Christmas but I thought of this idea and thought it was cute. Anyways, don't forgot to comment and vote and share!

Thanks for reading
Xoxoxo ~E

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