I wanted to fight Holland but I kept a straight face, "No problemo."

"Invite him over." My mom whispered as she walked away with my Dad and brothers.

Holland took my keys and my bag, "I'll go put our dance bags in your car."

Holland winked as she walked away.

"I don't know if you have any plans tonight, but Paisley and Aria are coming over and we're just gonna roast marshmallows and stuff but you, Jude, and Finley can come over." I invited him

He nodded, "Sounds fun, but Finley is grounded, got an F on her math test. Jude is over there with Aria, they look busy and he drove me here."

"Good thing I have a car." I bought up

Ev smirked, "Let's hit it, Johnson."

As we walked past Jude and Aria who looked pretty flirty.

"Yo Jude and Aria, my house." I shouted as we walked past them

"Gotcha." Aria nodded

Everett and I walked to my car that Holland already started up as if gas wasn't expensive.

"Yo, Grier, not hanging around us anymore?" One of James' friends shouted

"Keep walking." I murmured to Everett

I could see Scarlett get out of James' Sliverado, "Grier, come on we all know you're not deaf. Then again it was your job as a woman to please your man and you didn't do that after he begged you many, many times."

"You know, Slut-lett, I believe beg and coerce have very different meanings." I roared

Everett put his hands on my shoulders, "It's not worth it, just get in the car."

"I see you're taking my leftovers, what's your name again, nerd?" James badgered

Everett opened the door to the driver's side.

"Can't take something that wasn't your's, to begin with, can you now?" I ended as I got into my car

Holland sat in the back and Ev sat in the front.

"So Everett, how are things going? Are you going to fall fest?" Holland questioned him as I sped off

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up."

"I am." He answered

"Oh, now I see why Grier is so excited." Holland teased

"Is she now?" Everett said, looking over at me

I gave him a small smile, "Oh yeah, I love the beach."

"Same." Ev agreed by nodding his head

Dear God, I've never been so excited to get Holland out of my car. That drive was the longest ten minutes of my life with her constantly digging.

Nearly a week had gone by and she still thought that Everett was kissing my hand in the picture when he clearly wasn't. It was just the angle, but apparently, I was crazy.

"Bye, Hols." I waved as she got out my car

I pulled off after I made sure she got in safely.

"I can't believe I surrounded myself by those types of people for the past three years." I sighed as I drove

It took Ev a minute to catch on to what I was talking about, but once he did he agreed with me.

"I honestly can't either." He added

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked him

"You're just so open-minded and kind it's just crazy how you would surround yourself with such ass-holes." Everett explained

I came to a red light and looked over at him, "It's because I was stupid enough to think that after being with the same people for so long, no other friend group or whatever would accept me. Obviously, I was wrong."

"You're Grier Johnson, who wouldn't accept you?" He asked me

I frowned, "Don't say that, a lot of people don't like me because of the way I come off. Let's be honest here, you just took a chance and we somehow became whatever we are."

"You're right, I'll be honest. We're friends which means you can drop the facade of being this dumb, shallow girl and be who you really are with me. The light is green." He pointed out

I turned my attention back to the road and drove, "Who do you think I really am?"

"A girl who is smart, goofy, likes to sing, I can't really describe who you are because I feel as if there are so many depths of your personality. I feel like you're a little stubborn and superficial at times but once you get over yourself you see things clearer. You know?" He explained

He was absolutely right.

He somehow saw everything that I didn't.

"I don't really know, because I feel like I lost myself but I'm finding myself again. I feel like senior year is my year, like truly my year. The year that I scream from the mountains who I really want to be and want to become." I answered him

"That's good, I just think the most important thing is that you're confident in who you are and that you are proud of everything that you're doing." Everett advised

"Got damn boy, you're good with advice." I chuckled

When we reached my house Paisley, Aria, and Jude already made it. I, of course, changed out of my dance uniform to more comfy clothes and less makeup.

I set up the marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate in the guest house and we lit the fire pit.

As I sat outside, roasting my marshmallow, I clicked on Jude's story.I watched the video of Ev over and over again until I realized the marshmallow was on fire.

"You okay of there, Gray?" Everett grinned


"I'm fine." I assured him

Aria smirked because she obviously saw that captivated my attention.

That whole night was full of laughs, fun, and chocolate.

Everyone left around 12:30 am which left me alone but I was still on a sugar high.

I was blasting music in my room dancing around and at about one in the morning, I got a FaceTime request.

"Hey, stranger." I said turning down the music a bit

Everett was in his bed, his hair was messy, and from the looks of it no shirt.

"Hey, stranger, you're still wide awake." He grinned

I nodded, "Yeah, I'll probably go take some zzzquil in a minute, what's up?"

"I think my keys fell out of my pocket when I took my jacket off, have you seen them?" Ev asked me

I picked up the pair of keys that were on my nightstand, "I'll bring them over tomorrow, oh I love this song."

Everett laughed as I horribly sang along.

"I think this is the first time I've heard you sing off-key." He pointed out

I shrugged, "What can I say? It's late."

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, Gray. Call me before you come over, you know I'm a busy man." Everett winked

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, sure. Night, Ev."

I ended the call, put my phone on the charger, turned off the music and the light, and I began to calm myself down.

As I went through my Snapchat for the last time tonight, I saw a story from Everett Griffin, four minutes ago.

It was a video of me singing with the caption 'Someone had too much chocolate'.

I grinned as I slid up.

You've never been more right.

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