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insanity (n)- the state of being seriously ill; madness.

a few minutes later / duke's pov

Near the end of the epitome of weakness, the shadow took my hand in its own. It wrapped itself around me and sunk into my skin. A frigid weight slammed down on my bones. The tiny, sensible half of me tried to fight back this anger, this pent-up insanity that had taken over. But it was too strong.

Heather turned to flee. I rushed over, grabbing her arm. My fingers held her like a vice. Weak, revenge, get revenge, she's weak, were the only thoughts occupying my head.

"What's your damage, Heather?" I yanked her toward me. The people around me were inaudible.

"Are you saying Westerburg isn't a nice place? Where's your school spirit? You don't deserve to wear our school colors!" I snarled. Ms. Fleming forcefully pried me from her. This new me fathomed a hidden truth. This would be enough to push her over the edge. Mid-breakdown was when she was vulnerable. She'd try and kill herself. My destiny would be sealed.

"Why don't you hop in your little lifeboat and catch a gnarly wave over to Remington!" I screamed, pushing against Ms. Fleming as she tried to haul me away. The students around me were getting hyped swiftly and laughing.

"Aw, look, Heather's gonna cry," someone teased. Everyone let out sarcastic 'aww's. I smiled and chuckled, the cold worsening. Turning my head, I saw Heather's face contort. She turned and fled. A few students trailed after her but gave up.

I kept my arms flat at my sides and watched her exit. I'd done the cold, uncaring world a favor. My fate was sealed.

// mcnamara's pov

"Stupid childproof caps!" I sobbed. Tears fell down my face as I struggled to pry off the top of the pill bottle I took to school. But I wasn't trying to stop my breakdown. I was trying to die. I needed to; I had to. Nobody loved me, everyone hated me. Look what I'd done to Heather; I'd ruined her. Everyone had turned on me. These thoughts whirled through my head like bullets on a battlefield.

"Aw, look, Heather's going to whine, whine, whine all night!" Suddenly Heather Duke was sneering at me in the mirror. Her eyes glowed white. A collection of faceless shadows gathered behind her. They began to sing with her.

"You don't deserve to live." The other voices fell away as she delivered the harsh blow. I tugged on the cap again. My legs burned and were threatening to give out on me. 

"Why not kill yourself? Here, have a sedative. Whine, whine, whine, like there's no Santa Claus~ You're pathetic because you whine! You whine all night!" she yelled the words at me. I gave the cap a final tug and it dropped to the floor. The shadows turned their heads at disturbing angles as they jeered each line. Heather's face was set in a dark grin.

"Your *ss is off the team... go on and b*tch and moan... you don't deserve to dream! You're gonna die alone! Die alone! Die alone! Die alone! Die alone!" They formed a close ring around me and shouted in my ears. I tipped the pills back into my mouth. The dry pebble-like texture cut my throat as I repeatedly tried to gulp them down. In that instant Heather and the shadows vaporized.

"No! No, no, no, no, stop!" someone hollered and slammed into me. My legs slid out from under me and I landed roughly on my knees. In the dim lighting of the bathroom sat Veronica, a look of concern on her face she'd never given me before. I felt something inside of me melt.

"Suicides a private thing," I cried between a mouthful of sedatives. Veronica grabbed my arm.

"Throwing your life away to become a statistic in USA Today? That's like the least private thing I can think of!" Veronica retorted, but not in a mean way. She sounded choked, mournful of something I didn't understand. The cloud in my brain was slowly disintegrating. Adrenaline still pumped through my blood.

"But what about Heather, Ram and Kurt?" I protested weakly.

"If everyone jumped off a bridge, young lady, would you?"

"Probably.." My tone wavered and another tear fell. I inhaled as Veronica grabbed my hand.

"If you were happy every single day of your life, you wouldn't be human. You'd be a game-show host." Another wave of tears and I gave in. Cupping my hand, I spit out the sedatives. I held them to my chest and sat up on one knee. I stared Veronica in her... really, really beautiful... brown eyes.

"T-thanks for coming after me." My voice shook awkwardly.

"O-oh, you're welcome," Veronica replied, leaning in slightly as I grasped my knee. She looked saddened, so I did the only thing I could with people who were down.

I gave her a long hug. And, d*mn, it felt good.

weak; mcdukeWhere stories live. Discover now