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rebellion (n)- the action or process of resisting authority or control.

later that night / duke's pov

At 8:00 sharp I found myself at the biggest party of the year. Ram's homecoming. The popular crowd was relatively small so there was room to breathe.

I stepped through the door threshold and made my way to the living room, Heather at my heels. I took two steps before being grabbed by Kurt. God save me. The music was already at window-shattering volume and he started trying to pull sexual moves on me. I let him because I could feel Chandler watching me from the corner of the room where she danced alone. She didn't give herself away easily, she'd told me once, and she flaunted it well.

It wasn't long before we were all dancing and rotating positions. I was thrust into the arms of Ram with Heather on the other side. We both smiled acted like we were having a fun time, but I couldn't help wondering what was on her mind. Poor Veronica was lingering by the food table, watching the rest of us in childlike awe. First parties were always rough, I knew.

After no less than a half hour Heather, Heather and I were in the spotlight. It was enjoyable, having everyone watching me. I liked showing off what little power I possessed. The whole crowd followed our moves, Veronica included.

A while later, we were hanging around by the couch, watching Veronica fail miserably at making shots.

"Okay, okay, so it's salt, then lime, then.. shot!" Veronica punctuated the last word. I had a feeling she'd already had a few.

"No, it's salt, then shot-" Heather began to explain gently.

"You're doing it wrong!" Chandler interrupted. Holy sh*t, I thought, she sounded p*ssed. I wondered why.

// chandler's pov

I glared at Veronica, feeling a flare of annoyance. She tipped back the shot, still smiling.

"Really? 'Cuz I feel great," Her voice cracked as she spoke. I watched as she stumbled away. It didn't take a genius to know it was her first time getting drunk as f*ck. It was actually funny, but I wasn't in the mood for humor.

I did well masking my fury when I'd come in and seen her talking to the new kid. She'd been standing there, drool practically spilling from her lips as she checked him out. I'd made a b*tchy remark and went outside to the car. I was honestly horrified by myself. I knew d*mn well I was jealous. Not only was I, the sole monarch of Westerburg High, jealous, my dy*e side that I strove to conceal also happened to be the only cause of it. The f*cking thought of it put me in a nasty mood for the rest of the night.

I observed as some guy came over to her. It was too loud to hear what he said but I understood he was hitting on her. I pushed back my instinct to go over and kick his *ss. Veronica grinned like she'd won the lottery, oblivious to the fact he'd stolen her shot and walked away. I resolved to keep a close eye on her to make sure she didn't do anything r*tarded.

// duke's pov

The party progressed, as did the increasing amount of kids getting high and drunk. I trotted swiftly around dancing people and felt Kurt run up behind me and try lifting up my skirt. I picked up the pace and looked back to see Heather grab his hand and pull him to the dance floor. My intoxicated heart skipped a beat. D*mn, I was lucky to have her.

At some point Ram and Kurt had pulled out a pig piñata and rambled on about winning the upcoming football game. They each humped an end. I rolled my eyes and walked over to them.

weak; mcdukeWhere stories live. Discover now