Chapter Thirty-Three

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Piper’s voice rings out in the darkness midsentence, “…isn’t the Toilets, that’s for sure. It’s impossible not to get lost in this darkness. Oh, hi Spara.”

Spara sounds confused, “What’d ya be a-doin’ in here?”

Piper easily lies, “We were just trying to find the Toilets, but none of us have any idea how to get there. We kind-of knew where we were going when it was light out, but in darkness we are completely lost. We decided to just check in all the buildings until we found the right one.”

Spara sounds skeptical, “Why’d ya be a-havin’ a blanket then?”

 “Do you know how cold it is out here?”

“Where be the other two?”

Piper falters, but says, “Dana stayed back at the sleeping building with Brinn, because Brinn’s ankle was hurting and Dana knows the most about that kind-of thing.”

I take that as a signal. While Spara is still distracted, I sprint away from the building, as soundlessly as I can. The grass does a good job of cushioning my footsteps, but I’m afraid of how loud I’m breathing.

What if Spara goes to the building to check on us? What if she sees that I’m not there? Can Brinn lie well enough to save us? What if Brinn’s story doesn’t match Piper’s?

I follow the entire perimeter of the fence until I’ve looped halfway around the village. My feet stumble in the darkness but I force myself to keep going. I reach our building and slip around to the front of it. I bite my lip.

I don’t know the code.

Why didn’t I learn it? I could have just asked Piper what it was. I could have simply watched Piper enter it in. Why didn’t I pay attention?

I risk knocking rapidly three times on the door. I glance at the building where Spara and everyone else are. I can see Spara’s silhouette illuminated against the bright light from inside. They’re still talking.

When nothing happens, I risk knocking again on the door.

After a couple seconds, the door slides open, revealing a pale Brinn.

Brinn’s stance relaxes after she sees it’s just me. I dart quickly inside and shut the door behind me.

Brinn worriedly searches my face, “What happened? Why are you here? Is everyone else okay?”

I’m still breathing heavily from my run here. “We got…caught…by Spara. I was on…lookout and saw her coming. Piper trying to lie her way out…don’t know whether Spara’s believing it.”

Brinn purses her lips, “I sure hope Bridget doesn’t mess this up.”

“Piper told Spara I was here helping you with your ankle. I ran all the way here.”

 “Was Spara all alone?”

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