Slow Mo

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As the days pass you and your husband spend as much time as possible playing and caring for your children, trying to take in every moment while they still have their accelerated growth. Another evolution of our race during the dark years of humans close extinction. Brandon, Conor, and Chloe are the light of your lives, but when night comes and you lay in bed with your husband the wanton ach continues to return, the throbbing emptiness of a womb waiting to be filled again…

5 month later

You’re home is filled with the sounds of kids running in every direction. Fifteen children mill about the house, with five more boiling in the pot. Your first triplets, now looking 16 and finished with their accelerated growth, sit lounging on the couch, Brandon and Conor playing video games while Chloe reads intently on her latest ebook with chaos surrounding them. You waddle around the house trying to hold your second youngest on your hip with your gravid middle balanced in front of you trying to keep the kids from running amuck. A twinge in your abdomen prompts you to put Laila down in the play area while your gut begins to expand ever so slowly. You watch rubbing circles as your bowling ball of a tummy fills to a full term with one before settling and you sigh in content. The slow mo worked, you new it was risky, but hell you couldn’t live without this feeling anymore. You knew in the back of your mind it was becoming a problem… no it was a problem, this was it, these quintuplets were the last you could account for and you planned to make it last as long as possible. So if slow mo was what it took to get a longer pregnancy so be it. You knew what happened to people that got carried away, that couldn’t stop. It was an ever present environmental endangerment, overpopulation, it couldn’t happen and there was plenty laws in place to prevent it. The amount of trouble it had taken you and your husband to be granted the 20 birthrights for the family you’d planned together had been absurd, it had taken years to gain all of them. You cradled your soft belly once again, a growling stomach leading you to the kitchens with a gaggle of toddlers and tweens begging for cookies. Knowing it was indeed time for lunch you set about prepping some good old peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, an all time favorite of yours. Now full and having served all the able kids, you headed back over to Laila and Kaden in the playpen, placing one on each hip an heading to their nursery, the ache in your breast hurrying your strides. A small trickle of milk starts to leak from your left melon sized breasts once you reach the room and your feet practically sigh in relief when you sit down, repositioning the twins to lay on your belly each at a breast as you turn off your flex top through your eye prompt. The shirt disappears and the twins begin to feed, both latching on and taking their fill. Your head falls back as a sweet sensation builds in your nethers. You can feel the sweat on your brow as the twins flex and pull milking your breasts. God it feels so damn good. Laila pops off first then Kaden as you quickly burp them and set them to nap, knowing you need some alone time after that session. And just in time the heat in your belly begins to flare. Your panties are already soaked as you prompt your shirt back on and make a dash for your room. Locking the door with a swipe of your wrist at the control panel, you immediately rid yourself of clothes, falling back on the bed as you writhe in pleasure. Cupping your still swollen breast in one hand and stroking your wet snatch with the other, your gut inflating before your eyes. The pressure inside elevates as your abdomen swells quickly surpassing full term to full term with twins and still going. You cry out as pleasure and pressure fills you, breathing in short gasps as you tweak your tender nipple spilling milk on your bare chest. Your other hand searches blindly for the entrance to your snatch proving difficult with your growing midsection in the way, instead you settle for rubbing furiously at your clit an orgasm only moments away. It only takes seconds for you to come, the heat in your uterus sending you screaming into oblivion as your body shudders, your chest heaving as your belly settles at third trimester with triplets. You moan panting, your body covered in a sheen of sweat. Cradling your expectant middle, you try extending your arms to grasp your belly, your middle fingers barely touching together around its bulbous form. The pleasant kicks and movement of the babies inside you sends a shiver of anticipation down your spine. You stroke your skin so perfect and smooth knowing this is what your body was meant for, to bring life. You wonder briefly about the IRES, the Intergalactic Rehabilitation of Endangered Species, but push the thought away as soon as it comes. You have a husband and a family to take care of now. You can’t go off helping other humanoid species just because you want to stay pregnant. This last pregnancy with the slow mo will have to suffice. You snuggle under the covers of your bed, wrapping your arms around your tummy as a yawn escapes and you settle in for a quick nap.

Hey guys! Thanks for all the new followers! Sorry if this chapter is a little short but I've got some more good ideas coming soon! Including a short story series that has been hinted in this chapter! The IRES collection! Please let me know if you have any suggestions for the collection. Or any comments for how this story is going! Thanks for Reading!

**Hi everyone! I'm really sorry for not updating, I've been dealing with a bunch of stuff since my house burned down so I may not be writing for a while. Just wanted you guys to know I havent forgotten my readers. I'm hoping things will calm down enough in the next few weeks so I can finish up the next part for you guys.**

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