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Your belly continues to expand, pushing past the limits of a normal pregnancy as it fills with the new life growing inside you. You moan feeling the heat spread through you, enlarging your breasts once more as you feel them fill with milk. They come to perfect D cups defying gravity as they stand pert and erect, aching with sensitivity from the build up of milk. Your left nipple begins to dribble and your husband latches on tweaking and sucking your aching breast. The sensation is blinding and you cry out as you come. In that moment your belly drops low as the babies descend on your cervix settling between your hips. Your belly is done growing and not a moment later a contraction wracks through your abdomen lengthening your orgasm. Your whole body is electrified as wave after wave of bliss crashes over you. Your whole body tenses and you scream as your husband plunges his erection into your tensing snatch. It's simply too much, your whole being is flooded with pure pleasure you don't ever want it to stop. "Oh god babe" you pant, looking into his wanton eyes. "I know, I don't want this to end" he gasps out thrusting deep into your heavenly pussy. Another contraction races through you tensing into an mind boggling climax, you grab the sheets holding on for dear life as your water breaks the force pushing his dick out of your vagina as the first baby's head drops into your birth canal. The pressure is extraordinary but your body stays soft and flexible, the sensations surprisingly filling and erotic. Nothing has ever made you feel so completely replete. Your practically humming with euphoria. Your husband kneels beside you rubbing your belly affectionately, his focus on making you as comfortable as possible. The orgasmic contractions become more frequent and soon the first baby is delivered, a healthy young boy. The process leaving you panting for breath your body tingling with utter bliss. Your husband picks him up cleaning off any fluids and settles him at your breast where he eagerly begins to feed. Not soon after the second and third babies follow suit, the last setting off a shattering orgasm that sends stars in your eyes. Your body trembles from all the pleasures that overwhelm you. A perfect labor, no bloody mess or umbilical cords, just sweat, some amniotic fluid staining the sheets, and three healthy children, two boys and a sweet little girl. The only proof of childbirth left on your body are your milk laden breasts and an aching emptiness in your womb. Otherwise you are as fit as a fiddle, your healthy six pack back in place and not a single stretch mark to be seen.

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