'Ms. Peverel has a great potentiality in her. One day she can be a formidable witch.' Dumbledore said in a calming tone.

'Hahahaha!' Grindelwald laughed out loudly, 'Oh Albus, for someone smart as you, you sure can be dumb. But then again denial was your best streak.'

Suddenly Grindelwald became serious and said, 'Allow me to eradicate all your doubts. That girl's power is fearsome. It is not something neither you nor I have ever faced.'

'Albus, even I cannot describe what her power is like. Its raw, it's intriguing like...like a drug. But just like all drugs her magic is dangerous as well. She is dangerous as well. Look at all this people she has defeated, also with just a single blow.'

With every words came out of Grindelwald's mouth Dumbledore became more and more wary of the situation. He could see the obsessive nature of his in those eyes but it was subdued by fear.

"Ms. Peverel, what are you exactly to make him fear you like this? Who exactly are you?"

'I will be honest with you Albus I no longer have any wish to be acquainted with Ms. Peverel.' He said in a casual manner than suddenly he said in a whisper, 'After all who would be mad enough to court the Mistress of Death?'


In the infirmary slowly Harlene came to consciousness. She felt like that someone had beaten her whole body with a beater's bat, every part of her body hurt.

She opened her eyes to find herself in the familiar Hogwarts infirmary. She sat up on the bed and looked around the infirmary. There didn't seem to be anyone around. She got up from the bed, wincing as her whole body screamed in pain; she walked toward the window and looked outside through it. It was dark which meant it probably night.

"What am I doing in the infirmary? What happened?"

Harlene tried to remember what happened. At first she could only remember her dance with Tom on Slughorn's party and then following Catalina outside of Slughorn's office. After that everything was fuzzy.

"What happened afterward? Why can't I remember anything?"

She tried to focus her mind but a headache was forming. She cringed her face in concentration and then suddenly everything came flashing back to her. How Catalina had declared that she was the one who had attacked her. How Lord McMillan and Grindelwald attacked her from behind. Her confrontation with Grindelwald and how she had blasted those men off. Lastly she remembered Tom face before blacking out.

'Tom' Harlene softly whispered as she remembered the concern in his eyes.

"He was worried about me!"

At the same time Harlene felt surprised and happy. Surprised because she never thought that Thomas Marvolo Riddle could ever felt worried about someone and happy because that said someone could be her.

"He was worried about me, so...that means he cared, right?"

With those thought she went to bed. After a while she drifted into sleep and dreamt about a certain icy blue eyed person.


Next time Harlene woke from the sleep it was already morning. She turned her head to find the one person she had been dreaming about all night sitting beside her bed, nose buried in a book.

A smile appeared on her face by seeing him. Tom still hadn't noticed that she was awake. She smiled and spoke up, startling Tom, 'You know, they say if you read books so closely you may lose your eyesight.'

The New End (Fem!Harry Potter x Tom Riddle)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora