Run Away and Never Look Back

Start from the beginning

"You're mother's coming?" Ben breathed.

"Along with Aunt Elsa. They received word that my kingdom's attacked."

"Yer kingdom?" Grandpa snapped. "This kingdom doesn't belong to ye. Ye have no right to wear that crown on yer head. Yer mother, yer aunt, took everything. For what? Because Jack and Elsa had one wee little argument."

"Do you know what the argument was over, Fergus?" Sonny asked so calmly. Grandpa didn't say anything. "Mother, Aunt Elsa, and Jack were arguing because your little Merida couldn't keep her legs closed. After Jack broke things off with my aunt, she was devastated."

Jay scoffed. "So this war is because Jack Frost broke things off with Elsa?" Jay looked towards Evie. "Someone's a drama queen."

"Enough!" Sonny yelled. She held her hand out and a guard placed a sword in her hand. "Let's put a timer on this." She gave the sword to Jeffery. "The same sword Hans was about to kill my mother with. If MJ doesn't use her power in ten seconds, I want you to kill Aaron."

"No!" Harry yelled the same time Mal and Evie yelled, "Are you insane?!"

Sonny ignored them and started counting down.


"You really are insane!" I shouted.


"Sonny, stop this at once!" Grandpa pleaded.

"Three. Four."

"She's not going to do it," Jeffery mocked.

"Five. Six."

"Don't do it, MJ!" Ben yelled.

I felt my chest pounding. My breathing came out more rigid. "Seven. Eight."

"Stop. Stop. Stop!" Xander rushed out.


Jeffery raised his blade. It was like there's this power inside me that's howling to be let out. Each second is getting harder. I kept panting as I feel my eyes go back and forth to white and their usual blue.


Then in one quick motion the blade impaled Aaron's chest. He let out a little gasp as blood started coming out.

"No!" I screamed.

It's like this rush of power came out of me. The windows started to freeze up before they broke. We had to cover our heads to avoid getting hit by the shards. Icy winds coming in the castle as snow started filling the room. My screams echoing the room as a small blizzard started forming. The guards that were holding us were frozen in their place. I dropped to my knees as more power started coming out.

"MJ!" Evie yelled in worry.

There was this intense pain in my head. I started groaning before I grabbed my head. Make it stop. Make it stop.

"And you think she can rule this place!" Sonny roared over the storm. "How can you expect this girl to rule anything if she can't even control her powers?!"

I glared up at her. "Shut up!" I screamed.

This anger I felt came out. I brought my hand up and shot this ice beam towards her. Jeffery quickly transformed into his critters and grabbed Sonny before leaving the room. The beam flew past them and hit the wall.

"Stop, MJ, they're gone!" Gabriel yelled.

I started hyperventilating as the storm grew stronger. "I can't."

"Yer feeling too much, Mer. Don't feel it!" Grandpa shouted. He jumped out of the way before one of the beams could hit him.

Don't feel it. Don't feel it. Don't feel it. It's not working. Everything is crashing down on me. I can't do this.

Harry knelt in front of me. "Ye can do it, Frosty. Don't feel it!"

I shook my head. I could feel tears coming down my face. "I can't, Harry."

Harry grabbed my hand and placed it over his chest. "Then feel my heart, lass. Feel it."

I took a deep breath as I felt Harry's beating heart against my hand. The same heart I love hearing in the morning whenever my head is pressed against his chest. The same heart that could lull me to sleep. The same heart that has mine.

The wind started to slow down until it completely stopped. The blizzard disappeared as well. All that was left was the snow that surrounded the room. I - I did that? Did I really do that? I knew I was dangerous, but not like this.

"I'm sorry," I choked as I quickly stood up. "I'm sorry."

I started running towards the door. "MJ!" Carlos yelled.

"Stay back!" I yelled back. But I heard people running after me.




An icy mist started forming around my hand. "I said stay back!"

I spun around and shot the mist on the ground. Ice spikes shot out and surrounded me before the gang could get closer. I never wanted to rule. I can't rule. Even if I did change my mind, I couldn't. Sonny's right. How can I rule people if I can't even control my powers?

Their shocked faces stayed on me as my hand gripped the door. "Stay away from me," I cried before running out.


A/N: For those who remembered Jeffery, here's a peice of candy. 🍬

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