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I was getting boarded for the plane to LA. I just needed to get away from Nebraska for a while. I loved that state but everything I've been through there was just too much. I couldn't handle another disaster caused by me and my stupid telekinesis. I've learned to kind of control it but my emotions can take over any second.

I walked into the plane and sat in my seat. I put my bags up in the little container and just rested there on my seat. Thinking about how everything is going to be fresh and new. Don't destroy it all with your mind. I watched as people boarded. I grabbed the isle seat as quick as possible. This couple walked by me and sat in the two empty seats. I just put on some music and leaned back.

Everything is going to be fine. I said in my head. I just needed some music and alone time. I spaced out just listening to a probably 8 hour playlist.

It only took two hours to get to California. I got off and got an apartment. I already met a friend there and her name was Courtney. I went into her apartment and set up my room.

"Where do you think I could get a job?"
I asked

"Well maybe you should try out for smosh. I work there and it's really fun. You would like it!"

240 words

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