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Alina gripped the strip of paper in her hand and read it over and over again, "To save yourself, you must travel under the moon." Alina looked up at her grandmother who gave her the strip and knew her secret. "Where did you find this?" Alina whispersed under her breath looking into her grandmother's deep brown eyes.

"The day you were born, a envelope appeared on top my desk," Alina's grandmother said not willing to look back into Alina's eyes, "'You'll know what to do with the when the time comes.' The envelope read, I thought it was just a prank at first, so I stashed it away. But I had a dream the night before you told me your secret telling me that it was time, it showed me what I was suppose to do, I'm not suppose to be telling you this much, But I thought you deserved to know after all the good things you've done. Now all you need to do is to figure out what this means, like I did"

"So you've been keeping all of this from me?"

"Yes, it was for your safety, it was not my decision, it was fate."

"Fate? Really? Fate?" Alina was getting mad now, and this doesn't usually happen," So it's fate that is doing this to me? It's fate that I'm not human and that I'm some sort of what? Monster? Pet? Animal? Creature?"

"Good job Alina."

"What? What do you mean?"

"You just got one step closer to becoming the moon."

"I still don't get it."

"You were created by the sun, and to beat the sun you need to become the moon."

It all hit Alina at once, the feature was not going to be good for her, it we going to be filled with danger, mysteries, adventure, and many more things that are beyond the coulds and the stars.

Alina is going under, and somewhere under, there is a grave.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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