On Santos Property

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I won't put music on ever chapter, but I really think this song fits OMB and this story as a whole so I wanted to add it! I hope you enjoy! 😁😁


The sound of spinning metal vibrated through the air as the squad pedaled their way down Nostrom street and straight on to the parking lot of the hospital. As always they parked their bikes on the rack closest to the main entrance and as Monse and Cesar walked ahead, their interlocked hands swaying as they strolled forward, Jamal and Jasmine took the time to lock up their bikes.

While they trailed behind, Jamal turned to Jasmine. A look of disappointment on his face as he shook his head. "Now you would think that after all these years of living in the hood those two love struck idiots would know to chain their bikes to the rack."

"They're just stupid in love Coco! Besides I think it's sweet that they're all coupled up and shit. It really makes me miss Ruby, ya know? But I'm a ride or die chick and I will wait as long as it takes for my man to wake up so we can be reunited again," Jasmine stated.

A chuckle passed his lips as he carefully placed his hand on Jasmine's shoulder and leaned into her with the joking reply, "Girl I'm sure if he heard you say that he'd stay in a coma."

An elevator ride and a couple sharp turns later the crew found themselves in room 207C standing over the still body of their best friend, all four of them sighing at the fact that he still hadn't waken up. It had been 3 months since the shooting and they all really missed his frantic yet charismatic personality in their lives. At this point they were even willing to admit that they missed his constant rumbling and overuse of words entirely too big for anyone to understand but himself. The first couple of nights they all stayed in this hospital room with Ruben. The four of them holding hands with the rest of his family as they prayed for him to stay alive and fight through the terrible events that had occurred.

Actually, for the first month none of them even spoke to Cesar. They were too blind with rage towards the naive decisions he'd made that landed their best friend in this bed and Olivia somewhere far away from this realm, but for those first few nights the four of them needed each other to stay sane. After a month of completely ignoring his existence they tried to understand that he was only trying to do the right thing, because that was what Cesar always tried to do. Only this time it had ended tragically for everyone and when they finally did decided to forgive him they realized that he was in even worse shape over what happened than the rest of them were. He had spared Latrelle's life in order to save his peace of mind and ended up losing it anyway. So, the others made it their mission to piece him back together again and he had been doing a lot better with his best friends by his side.

In their circle of chairs, for what had seemed like the millionth time, they all tried to catch Ruby up on what was happening in the outside world. The nurse had told them that even though he couldn't comprehend what they were saying he could definitely hear them and the sound of loved ones voices usually helped tremendously in a patient's recovery process. This is why one of them tried to visit every day in order to remind Ruby that he hadn't been forgotten about and they were all waiting for him to wake up. Actually, they were surprised at how well it had been working. More recently they have been getting small movements from him whether it be a jerk of the foot or a wrinkle of the nose. Their previous discussion of Olivia's funeral arrangements hadn't gotten him to stir, but as Jamal switched the subject to his new boyfriend he felt a twitch in the finger he was holding.

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