Chapter 1 | The Blind Date

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"Miss. Martin, how does this look," Katie asked with her hazel eyes and I smiled at her. 

"You are doing great, sweetie but what did I tell you about the colors?" I asked which made her think.

"Oh. Red and Blue make Purple, Yellow and Red make orange" She answered correctly. 

"Good, Katie. Now keep this going," I said to her with a smile and she nodded, returning with a much bigger smile. I walked around the grass, looking over the kids' paintings, and made eye contact with my best friend, Kennedy.

"Hey, Ken. How are they doing over there?" I asked. Kennedy Pierce has been my best friend since middle school, she was like my sister from another mister and now we were working as teachers together.

"They're doing great, thanks for letting my class join yours," She says with a smile. "Girl, it's no problem," I said with a slight chuckle. 

"So are you excited about your date tonight?" Ken asked with a smirk on her face, I felt the heat grew on the inside of my cheeks. 

"What, date?" I asked, acting dumb.

"You know the one Rachel set you up on," She says and I rolled my eyes. On the day of my 27th birthday, I realized how sunk my dating life was and I knew I need to get back out there. 

So Rachel offered to set me up on some blind dates which all turn out to be creeps or fuckboys. I took the matters into my hands and told her to find me a guy that I would like, not someone she thinks I like and she did. Rachel told me his name was JOE, that his personality/humor is similar to mine and that's about it.

"Right, I mean I guess" I shrugged, trying to sound like I don't care about the date but I do and I'm excited about it. "Well, you don't sound that excited"

"I am but I'm just nervous that Rachel put someone that I don't like even though she said she did," I said taking a deep breath.

"I could get that but you never know. So um what are you gonna wear?" She asked and I thought about it for a second. 

"Blue!!" We both said at the same time while looking at each other, burst out laughing quietly. 

When the clock hit two o'clock, the school was over and I went straight home to get some work done, relaxed for a bit, and then took a shower and wait for Rachel to come over to do my hair, makeup and give me the dress she got me.

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"I'm not wearing that," I said with an attitude.

"Why not, I bet he'll like you in this sexy dress!" Rachel giggled. "Gosh, fine" I rolled my eyes, wanting to get this over with, so I just agreed to wear the tight and short-looking dress.

"Come on, Jazz let me see what you look like!" Rachel says, I took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door, and then twirled in

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"Come on, Jazz let me see what you look like!" Rachel says, I took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door, and then twirled in.

"You look!" She says which puts a smile on my face then I heard a knock on the front door and glance over at a chuckling Rachel.

"He's here," Rachel says, getting up and going to get the door. "What?" I frowned and followed her. 

"Who is here?" I asked she didn't answer which got me worried. "Rachel?" I called her name. 

"Well don't get mad but your blind date wanted to pick you up like the gentleman he is," She says with a smile and I glared at her like I wanted to strangle her. There was a knock on the door again and I walked towards the door, knowing behind that door could be my future boyfriend hell, maybe even husband.

When I opened the front door, I almost passed out. "You got me a date with Roman Reigns?" I asked, looking over at Rachel who looked more shocked than I was.

"Uh yes I'm Roman Reigns but that's just my wrestling name. My real name is Joe" He says, holding his hand out with a charming smile that would make any girl panties wet.

"I-I know," I said took his hand. "Oh, well good," Joe says, kissing my hand which made Rachel's eyes widen, and quickly removed my hand away from him.

"Hi, um can you give us a second. Thank you" Rachel says not showing her face, quickly closing the door in his face. "Rachel?"

"What the fuck do I just do?" She asked. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know all this time, I was hooking you up with a sexy god. I thought it was just some WWE nerd, I don't know that was him in that picture" She says walking back and forth, I just scoffed at her not completely understanding why is this so hard to believe.

"I mean did you even look at his dating profile or did you just randomly pick him?" I asked her.

"I did look at his profile, he seems your type of guy and he sounded like a dork but that man out there doesn't look like a dork which is hella confusing," Rachel says, shaking her head.

"You can't go on that date with him," Rachael says. I looked at her crazy, "Why the hell not?" I asked, putting my hands on my hip.

"I mean not to be rude, Jazz but did you not see how sexy and handsome that man is. He's a full course meal and you are kinda not. He needs someone like me" My mouth dropped, not believing the words she just said to me.

"Excuse me?" There was a knock at the door, "I don't mean it like-" I cut her off.

 "Oh I know what you meant and you know what Rachel, fuck you. Just because Joe is insanely handsome doesn't mean, he's not a fucking human being cause he is. Joe has a great heart, a great sense of humor, and a personality. And I'm going on this date with him, whether you like it or not" I said rolling my eyes, opening the front door, apologizing to Joe. 

"It's alright," He says with a smile. "Um, do you still want to go on this date with me, since I know who you are?" 

"Yes, of course, I do!" Joe says. "Great, let me just get my purse," I said with a smile, going to get my purse. 

"Don't wait up" I whispered to Rachel with a wink. When I said those words, that made Rachel insanely jealous and angry. So she made a complete vow to take matters into her own hands to break my soon-to-be relationship with Joe.

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