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I used my silver duel swords with my personalized black leather handles to block my fathers strike, Father was training Finn and I. Me being a skinny 10 year-old and yet still holding my ground. I swerved and kicked his legs but not hard enough. Only that was just a distraction, I saw as Father opened his mouth to scold me as I tapped my foot as a signal to Finn. Finns tail blew in the wind as he pointed his blade to the back of fathers neck.

"Well done, but your gonna have to be quicker than that" He said smirking.

I smiled in response and connected the handles of my blades making a staff, spinning it as I jumped over dad landing next to Finn.

Show off Finn nudged me.

"Now enough of that, lets move on to using your weapon and element," he grabbed his double sided battle axe, his yellow fire blazing at the sharp ends. "Together"

"Steady now, keep it contained in one area." Father said as I held my dual blades, breathing in making a small blot of purple lightning on the edge of each blade.

I wanted to do more, I put in more power covering the blades in lightning and started practicing with my uncle while blindfolded, this was meant to improved my senses. My blade clashed with his, I didnt want to hurt him but now I was in the zone. I ducked, my kean ears hearing him then slid my leg kicking his tripping him, my eyes glowed under the blindfold. I could literally smell his fear due to my wolf scent. He got up and advanced his two handed-sword, I dodged out of the way and felt my wolf ear twitch.

My uncle moved his sword in a swift motion cutting my leg. I was angered by this, more than I should have been. The lightning from my swords grew and it zapped his left arm with the purple lightning strike.

I dropped my swords, ripped off my blind flood, my mistake had caused pain to family. I heard dad yelling and saw him rush towards my uncle. Finn looked at me in pure horror.

My father never forgave me for that, every mistake causes more and more disappointment.

Every mistake can get you killed, you must me flawless on the battlefield. He told me. Self control is key

Though control wasnt easy, he hated me for being able to be controlled by others emotions. He predicted a war coming soon, I thought he was just paranoid. So did many others, but war is always upon us in this world.

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