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"Swag..." I mumbled looking at my savage hyung.

I wasn't surprised I knew he was hiding something since last week.
I was walking to yoongis house when suddenly I heard him yell "ouch!you didn't have to bite that hard!..I think I finally can feel them tho" yoongi said. What was he talking about? Feel what exactly.. "hyung we should go tell everyone they will be happy for you" jimin said happily "no not today" . What exactly is yoongi hiding I want to know so bad I thought to myself as I was leaving before jimin and yoongi knew I was there.
(End of flashback)
I smiled at yoongi I was happy that he could now walk and now that he could walk i wouldn't have to feel ..about that day.

I saw everyone straighten up and jimin was smiling like a idiot for some reason like he always does which was creepy I sometimes wake up and see him smiling right above my face..I don't trust that innocent smile so much..anyway i glanced at xuimin who looked away and started telling one half of the group what to do. I looked at my half I was glad my friends were there, I saw guys who looked strong and then guys who looked weak they were all staring at me like I was some sort of alien that came down from the sky. "Ok everyone turn to the guy behind you and fight them I want to see who can defend them selves as if there in a real fight" .

Was yoongi serious that meant I had to fight..."no hard feelings jiminie but we have to do what we are told right" taehyung said looking at me. Me and taehyung used to fight for fun when we were little but how could I fight him he's my best friend.."if your scared you ca-" I stoped him mid sentence "scared?..taehyung why would I be scared" I said crossing my arms "if your not scared let's have some fun chim chim" he said grinning and getting ready to fight "shit.." I mumbled under my breath getting ready to fight him as well.

"I'm sorry hyung but I guess we have to fight each other" I said patting his shoulder "it's ok I'll make it quick" he said smiling "I think I'll make it quicker" I said smirking ..I still kind of held a grudge for him hugging taehyung and playing around with him even tho I knew they were just friends.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see a tall guy who looked strong. "My names chanyeol" he said crossing his arms "b-baekhyun.." shit i stuttered. He smiled and ruffled my hair "let's get started shall we" he said in his husky voice making me kind of nervous.

I watched as jimin was thrown to the ground by his friend. He got back up and punched taehyung making him fall to the ground but taehyung was smart and grabbed jimin and pulled him down with him. He pinned jimin and was about to punch him but jimin kicked his weak spot "..sheesh..that's gotta hurt" I said softly "ahhh!! Jiminie that was cheating!!!" He said rolling in the ground in pain "sorry tae" he said laughing. "I guess I won" he said smiling "pabo!" He said standing up in pain. I looked to hobi and jungkook who were on a full on fight like they hated each other. Jungkook swung at hobi who dodged and then punched Jungkooks stomach,jungkook growled and his ears popped out and I New what that meant "jungkook ah !!! Control yourself!" I yell getting his and hobis attention and jungkook took the chance to pin hobi to the ground. I glanced behind Jungkook and hoseok looking a baekhyun and another guy I could tell baek was trying his best but at the end the guy ended up beating him.

"Mph!!" I said with a thud to the ground I was beaten by this chanyeol guy and I was kind of frustrated that I didn't when "aish.." I said lowly and got up dusting my pants that were covered in dirt. "You did well baekhyun" he said smiling makeing me smile back for some reason I suddenly felt a burning on my wrist and saw that I had a tattoo of a wolf. "Guess me and you are gonna be together for some time huh?" He said ruffling my hair. I sighed knowing this was going to happen one day, but I never knew my mate was a guy I was sure I was straight..right? I guess I'm not so straight after all.

"I beat you!!!!" I said panting and helping him up "I'll beat you next time" he said punching my shoulder. I laughed it off but deep inside I wanted to punch him again for thinking he can beat the almighty Jungkook but I shook it off.

I watched as the fights were finishing and didn't notice someone sneaking up on me. "Mr.yoongi" said the doctor from behind me "oh hey perv doctor"
I said looking behind "that was a mistake mr.yoongi forget about it" he said sighing "now..I wanted to ask you something meet me later at my house it's important"and with that he left. I sighed..I hope he doesn't ask about that i said thinking to myself "um ..yoongi it's getting late should we continue or leave" xuimin said as he glanced back to his half of the group. "...hmm yeah let's go rest it's been hours tell them it's time to eat and rest then we continue" I say walking away.

I noticed that yoongi was walking away so I decided to follow like I always do..it's not that I'm a stalker it's just instinct for some reason I follow around people I like plus he's my mate so. Yoongi caught up with mr.butt grab which was the doctor,they started talking and they entered his house. I slowly walked without making a noise like I was light as a feather. "What did you want to ask" yoongi said with sass in his tone "you were experimented on weren't you mr.yoongi" butt grab said "that's none of your con-" butt grab cut yoongi off "but it is mr.yoongi...just answer the question..yes or no" butt grab said with seriousness in his voice. "Yes" yoongi said sighing, i was shocked was yoongi really an experiment..does that mean he really was a carnivore "but it's not the same experiments they did on the carnivores.." yoongi explained "then if your not one of them then what are you?" Butt grab said impatiently "oh..I'm something much worse mr. Perv doctor something much worse.." and with that yoongi walked out. I disappeared into the woods as fast as I could hopeing yoongi didn't notice "something worse then a carnivore?" I mumbled to myself "what exactly are you min yoongi" I said hoping off a tree. "Jimin were you listening to that conversation" yoongi said from behind me " shi-" before I could finish my cursing he pinned me against a tree and I flinched from the pain on my back "naughty boy" he said with a glow of red in his eyes and a devilish smirk.

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